

@jingle-thighs / jingle-thighs.tumblr.com


We’re over here now. Guys. Come on. If I followed you please follow back. if you’re not going to please soft block so I can remove you from my threads and shite. 

I say this because i know like a 99.8%majority of my current followers are mutuals only e.e


We’re over here now. Guys. Come on. If I followed you please follow back. if you’re not going to please soft block so I can remove you from my threads and shite. 


“Are they following me because they’re interested in rping or do they just need the follow-back follower count?”

I’ve been seeing this a lot lately and I understand if people get miffed about it. I would be too. And I think it’s a good call to try and interact with folks by calling attention to it.
let it be known though
if I follow you but we never rp, it’s not that i’m using you to get my follower count up.

I’m just rlly bad at making the first move.

Follower count doesn’t mean squat to me since I know that it usually ends up being like, dead blogs I’ll never see again. So yeah. 
This is a post where I’m encouraging you, the reader, to make the first move. Just try and talk to the people you follow, even if you don’t think they’d be interested in rping ( provided you follow their rules on contact, mutuals, ect ). Maybe they wanna rp? Maybe they don’t. Your chances can only increase if you come with an idea to bring to the table, so just try it!
Maybe a friendship will happen, maybe it won’t. But at the VERY LEAST you can say you tried.

So I think on the new blog Im going to erase the selection pages I had and make a new one so you guys can see which muses are Popular/Active and which ones are Not Popular/Active because the less a muse gets interaction the less active they are. 

I may not keep certain muses available if they dont get enough interactions because its depressing to have muses who only get interaction from like one or two people. 

So the voting is closed and everyone wanted me to bring everyone so this is how ill do that lol.


This is the next move to restore net neutrality

If it feels like you’re fighting battles on every side, you’re not alone. The struggle is terrifyingly real. But we can still make this year the best possible version of 2018 it can be. There’s a new opportunity to restore strong net neutrality protections: The Congressional Review Act.

What is the Congressional Review Act?

The CRA lets the House and Senate repeal administrative laws—rules and regulations set by governmental agencies—with a simple majority in both houses. The resolutions can’t be blocked by leadership, amended, or filibustered.

This congress has used the CRA more than any other to overturn regulations that protect vulnerable people and the environment, but this time we can use it for a good purpose—to reverse the FCC’s decision and restore net neutrality.

We just need #OneMoreVote

Battle For The Net has secured commitments from 50 senators. One more and we can take this fight to the House. These are the targets:

  • John Kennedy (Louisiana) | 202-224-4623 | Email
  • John McCain (Arizona) | 202-224-2235 | Email
  • Orrin Hatch (Utah) | 202-224-5251 | Email
  • Dean Heller (Nevada) | 202-224-6244 | Email

If you live in these states, we need you. Even if you don’t, you can still help the cause.

Go to battleforthenet.com to write or call your representatives.

Tell them to support the “Resolution of Disapproval” and overturn the FCC’s December 14 “Restoring Internet Freedom” vote. 


yes hello i figured i should update my commission info so here it is!!

i’m just a teenager who needs cash so i don’t have to rely on my parents for everything while i finish up my last year of high school, and every little bit helps me out!!

if any of y’all could pass this around, that’d be amazing!! thank you!!!

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