
I am the mask you wear

@ssimsass / ssimsass.tumblr.com

Simona/Simo | 28 | Italy | This blog is a mess, just like my life | Beatles sideblog: @longforyesterday
Agustín Pardella as Nando Parrado in Society of the Snow

No te lo vas a poder creer. Estuvimos caminando hacia el este unas dos, tres horas... hasta que de repente, detrás de una loma, apareció la cola. No la íbamos a encontrar nunca... se catapultó para adelante hacia el otro lado.

Era una maravilla. Estaba todo lleno de valijas desperdigadas, abrigos limpios. Lleno de botellas de ron. Cigarrillos.... y chocolate.

[You won't believe this. We walked east for two or three hours... and suddenly, we saw the tail of the plane behind a hill. We never would have found it... it shot forward to the other side.

It was a marvel. There were suitcases scattered all over and clean coats everywhere. Bottles of rum. Cigarettes... and chocolate.]

La Sociedad de la Nieve | Society of the Snow (2023)

scene requested by @bothsides11


there is so many movies like "when push comes to shove!!! everyone is for themselves!! in life and death situation humans are selfish!!!" and then society of the snow comes like actually when this happened in real life we took care of each other and we wanted others to survive even if we ourselves couldn't

In a special place in my home I keep only memories, keepsakes from the cordillera: photos of many of those who died, objects from the plane, things I collected from everyone who died and who we did not expect to stay alive. So I save them in this altar, which is my most sacred and beloved piece of furniture. I carried back a lot of objects in a bag, but there were some things that we didn’t know which dead boy they belonged to, nor did any survivor recognise it as his own. [...] I have dozens of things from ’72. But the thing I value most, because I feel that it symbolises everything we lived through, is a silver cross that is missing its left arm. It is a cross that somebody had hanging over his heart, although I found it lying in the snow. It is about 4cm long, and the whole arm that’s left measures less than 2cm. It suffered some sort of violent impact in the centre – whoever had it received a severe blow to the middle of his chest. But what moves me most about it is that despite being dented, despite the fact that it’s missing an arm, with the metal all jagged and torn, all the same it keeps being, unmistakably, a cross. That was what happened to us. We were dented and bruised, beaten down and terribly abused, but we kept on being whole men.

SOCIETY OF THE SNOW (2023) dir. J. A. Bayona

‘Cause my faith… Sorry, Numa, isn’t in your God. Because that God tells me what I’m supposed to do at home. But he doesn’t tell me what to do on the mountain. What’s happening here is a completely different situation. Numa. This is my heaven, I believe in another god.

real ones saw the video by Ask A Mortician about the rugby team plane crash years before Society Of The Snow even had a trailer and then felt a cold shudder when they saw a movie that sounded oddly familiar pop up on letterboxd


Billy Crudup & Claire Danes as Ned Kynaston & Maria Hughes in ‘Stage Beauty’ (Film, 2004).


I just- I just rewatched princess and the frog for the 20th time… they are my favorite couple 🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖

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