
THE COMPLETE SKAM EXPERIENCE: The only masterpost you’ll ever need. All of the Norwegian SKAM content compiled, in English.

You’ve seen SKAM, but have you seen ALL of SKAM? If you’re not a Norwegian speaker, but want to view all of the beautiful content created by Julie Andem and the NRK in order of air/post date, in English, I’ve compiled it all here in easy-to-view, chronological order. I hope you enjoy!


THE COMPLETE SKAM EXPERIENCE: The only masterpost you’ll ever need. All of the Norwegian SKAM content compiled, in English.

You’ve seen SKAM, but have you seen ALL of SKAM? If you’re not a Norwegian speaker, but want to view all of the beautiful content created by Julie Andem and the NRK in order of air/post date, in English, I’ve compiled it all here in easy-to-view, chronological order. I hope you enjoy!

Anonymous asked:

I actually enjoyed SKAM a lot more than I thought I would. Especially your subtext and culture. It’s sooo full of insight and it made me enjoy it more when I rewatched. (Same with young royals hehe) I was wondering if you actually knew where to find more content of SKAM out of the episodes?? Other than “Gutten som ikke klarte å holde pusten under vann“

I'm glad my commentary made you appreciate it more! Thank you! You can check out this tumblr by @thesestonehills: https://thesestonehills.tumblr.com/skamextra Or this by @skaminenglish: https://skaminenglish.tumblr.com/post/158794946300/skam-masterpost-of-all-things Or this by @nooraiskind: https://nooraiskind.tumblr.com/post/170282912802/youve-seen-skam-but-have-you-seen-all-of-skam You also have the original website which tracks people's discussions from the beginning: https://skam.p3.no/

Dinsdag 23 april 2019
A: Senne was right. According to last polls, we are third place.
L: Just double tap that heart and we’ll regain first place.
A: Yeah, all right, we still got six weeks, so nothing’s set yet. Surely if Senne wants to help us out.
Y: I don’t think he wants to help us out without an ulterior motive.
A: I don’t think so either.
Y: Did you forget already how he shamelessly dumped you?
L: Check.
A: Did you forget how he apologised for that and that he called me an amazing woman?
Y: He could have thought of that earlier. Right?
Anonymous asked:

I know u've already said u don't follow the careers of the OG skam cast (so this might actually be annoying😬), but on the off chance this might peak ur interest - @Tomhay aka William aka the actor who is nothing like his character will be doing a q&a on IG for the occasion of the 5 year anniversary of filming the last 2 eps of skam, s2 . He hasn't posted his q&a responses yet, but he did post some throwback pics and the ask box is still up...

Hi anon! 🎉 Thanks for letting me know. The pics were all very cute (not just of Julie and Josefine and Herman, he posted some with Lisa or Tarjei as well). I sent him a question and we’ll see if he answers it!

I try to keep up with everyone’s careers out of curiosity, but I’m not always great at actually watching their projects gsgsgs. So by all means feel free to send me stuff like this! (Tagging @nooraiskind in case she or her followers are interested.)


Ele, I’ve been waiting for you for a year. I understand if it’s difficult for you to trust me. But believe me, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to destroy something so beautiful. 

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