


and the universe said "i love you"

in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that macklemore would happily release a free palestine song that is AS balls-out anticapitalist and antiimperialist as it is, considering in 2011 he won a grammy with a song all about being poor and spending your money wisely while still being cool and looking fresh, bemoaning blind consumption.

it was a small domino to start with, sure, but the trail is there.


and that person just happened to be the person who is currently the most celebrated rapper in the world, Kendrick Lamar! he was apologizing for winning over Good Kid, M.a.a.d. City!

“You got robbed. I wanted you to win. You should have. It’s weird and it sucks that I robbed you.”

funny enough, he did NOT apologize to the other artists, and two of them are Drake and Kanye, which is EXTRA hilarious considering how well that decision also aged.


Not to undermine the message, because yes, especially locally, votes count - but the only reason they were able to avoid the veto-override was that a couple more Republicans changed their votes from when they originally passed the legislation.

So, actually this is more "vote and" adding to the message rather than undermining, because at least one of those Repubs said her changed vote was due to people in her district contacting her and urging her not to support the override. So vote AND contact your reps.

(Kansas Reflector is a good source for KS news for those interested)


Listen. I love Eurovision. I grew up with it, I watch it every year, it's something that I look forward to seeing on my dash every year as my fellow Europeans lose their minds over it for about 3 days.

I am being completely serious when I say that I will block anyone who reblogs or posts Eurovision content on my dash this year. Eurovision has banned Palestinian flags and explicitly sided with I*rael in what they call an effort to be "non-political."

All eyes on Rafah. Boycott Eurovision, now and forever. Human lives are more important than some song contest.

Alright man


A reminder that as with the USA, a conservative genocidal government does not mean a conservative genocidal people. Israel contains people who want to harm Palestinians and people who are against what their government is doing.

A government does not speak for everyone. A government does not always even speak for the majority.

Please remember and internalize this.


a conservative genocidal government does not mean a conservative genocidal people.

exactly this.


Suzanne collins wrote a trilogy where a main media propaganda strategy was to market a horrific act of violence as a love story to distract ppl and then it got adapted into a box office breaking movie and ppl made it all about the love triangle. so then since they didn’t get the point the first time Suzanne collins wrote a prequel story about the main dictator and she makes it so that you as a reader want it to be a genuine love story so badly even tho it’s so very clearly not and instead feels extremely unsettling to make her point even more meta which then gets adapted into another box office breaking film and now ppl are making romantic snowbaird tik toks. do u think she’s gonna write another book that’s somehow even more blatant or just give up and start executing ppl? hard to say but I wouldn’t blame her for the second one


sobbing and crying at the woman who stole a meth addicted kitten from her dealer and then she and the kitten got clean together

thats love baby!!


i really can't overstate how fucking furious i am that corrupt egyptian officials have become millionaires from charging palestinian refugees thousands upon thousands of dollars to escape genocide and not only that, that it comes down to the generosity of normal people like you and me to fund these people, to feel guilty over not being wealthy enough to do more, to feel the pressure of choosing which fund to donate to, to have to shoulder the emotional burden of deciding which lives to save, when politicians will get absurdly rich off of insider trading and taking bribes from companies as they help engineer a worse world for all of us to endure.


Idk if anyone here has been paying any attention whatsoever to the Drake vs Kendrick beef but I am losing my mind over this comment

No literally I'm always so suspicious of people who refuse to listen to rap cause it is SUCH a diverse genre of music so like wdym you don't like rap. I'm all for preferences and all that but when people say they don't like rap as a whole like 9 times out of 10 they're just racist lmao


Insane to me that the UK government is slowly trying to legislate trans people out of existence and I have not seen a single person talk about it

Single sex toilets are now legally required in all new buildings, the cass review may lead to a complete shutdown of all trans healthcare, single sex wards are being introduced to HOSPITALS and claims that trans people will be treated in private rooms is almost laughable given the current bed shortages, ensuring that trans people will be forced to wait even longer for life-saving procedures. Trans teenagers are being murdered and the government does not care. We are slowly being driven out of all public spaces and all healthcare.

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