

@palladiumpoisoning / palladiumpoisoning.tumblr.com

in too many fandoms | they/them | australian | esfp | unhealthily obsesses over actors/musicians twice my age | hellenic pagan

25 delicate things lovers do that i adore:

(feel free to use!! 8, 10, 11, 18, 20, AND 21 PLSS???? *crying* yall better tag me when u write any of these?? got it??)

  1. gazes lingering on each other
  2. glancing away quickly when you catch them staring
  3. finding excuses to hold your hand
  4. delicate, slow and soft soft kisses >\\<
  5. smiling excessively, naturally and so easily around you :`>
  6. hands cupping your face before a kiss
  7. the feeling they're left with after the kiss
  8. the giddy feeling you're left with after the kiss. (yall's toaster waterproof??? :) )
  9. picking you up and twirling you when they're excited
  10. somebody taking an off-guard picture of you staring at each other, completely-in-love
  11. glowing in their presence. ( im so sad )
  12. feeling comfortable together in silence
  13. smiling, listening keenly whenever the other rants
  14. their eyes try to find yours whenever they hear you in crowded areas
  15. "you're staring" "you're glowing, my love, of course i will." :)
  16. giving small thoughtful compliments
  17. dancing in the rain together [CRYING]
  18. a third person saying, "no matter where they are, they're always together and in their own world."
  19. resting their forehead against yours
  20. shoulder kisses!!! kisses on the nape [ㅜㅜ in tears rn lmao]
  21. the shy person initiating to kiss first!!!
  22. touching your lips where they kissed you hard. (CAN SOMEONE KISS ME UNTIL IM A PUDDLE-)
  23. hugs in the dark, hugs under a tree, hugs in the rain, running into their open arms and hugging them tight>>>>
  24. placing kisses on their scars :(
  25. waking up to a small breakfast and a note written by them before they left for the day <333

The main character, played by Pedro Pascal, picks up a child who's supposed to save a daying nation. He travel around, all cranky about it, through the adventer, develops deep emotional attachment to the child, and risk his ass for them. Which one is it ?


it’s always “wyd” and never “i’ll be your new favorite tune, i’ll be your black cloud by june, but only when you miss the rain like i miss you”


Full Moons of 2023

There will be 13 Full Moons in the year of 2023, two of which being in August. Each Full Moon has been given a name based on the month over the course of hundreds of years.

  1. The Wolf Moon: January 6th.
  2. The Snow Moon: February 5th.
  3. The Worm Moon: March 7th.
  4. The Pink Moon: April 6th.
  5. The Flower Moon: May 5th.
  6. The Strawberry Moon: June 3rd.
  7. The Buck Moon: July 3rd.
  8. The Sturgeon Moon: August 1rst.
  9. The Blue Sturgeon Moon: August 30th.
  10. The Harvest Moon: September 29th.
  11. The Hunter Moon: October 28th.
  12. The Beaver Moon: November 27th.
  13. The Cold Moon: December 26th.

Happy Ostara<3

Queen Persephone returns to earth, and with her, spring. After six long months of winter in the underworld, and with King Hades, it's time for the flowers to bloom and everything turns green. Today I would like to commemorate Queen Persephone with enthusiasm, not sadness, because one new aspect of her begins while another ends. I am excited to leave behind the six months of the person I was in all that time, and start my new version that this spring equinox will bring.

I've done a section with Lady Persephone on what changes we'll start working on during these six months, and it was wonderful. And painful, she always tells the truth no matter how hard it is. But during the spread with the oracle she has let me know that I am totally protected and on the right path to achieve everything that she proposes to me. So I feel totally happy today.

Happy Ostara<33

Writing Tips
Punctuating Dialogue

➸ “This is a sentence.”

➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.

➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”

➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”

➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”

➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”

➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.

“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.

“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”

➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”

➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”

However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can also be “outside”!

➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.

If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)

➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations dashes typically express—“

“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.

➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.

➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”

➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.

“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”

➸ “If it’s the same speaker but different paragraph, keep the closing quotation off.

“This shows it’s the same character continuing to speak.”


I knew about half of this when I started writing. It’s amazing the stuff they don’t teach you in school that you have to work out on your own. And look, all beautifully laid out for you.


We need to talk about Eddie Munson this dude is deffo not straight. A Black hanky = S&M peep the handcuffs on his room wall and the hanky in his back pocket which is code used by gay men. How would a straight man in the 80s know about this code or the meaning of a black hanky? They wouldnt. In conclusion Eddie is very gay and very kinky thanks for coming to my TeD talk.

Olympian goddess of all forms of love, sex, beauty, desire, passion, pleasure, procreation, fertility, war


O Sweet lady of Sea Foam,
Radiant Beauty,Queen of all who love,
Grant unto me your confidence,
Your capacity to love others wholeheartedly
and without hesitation;
Grant unto me your inner sight
So that i may see all beautiful things within myself and within others.
Transform me, I pray,
and transform our hearts,
O bright lady of seafoam!

🐚About Aphrodite:

  • Symbols: Conch shell, rose,
  • Sacred Animals: Dove, Swan, Sparrow, Dolphin, & Clams
  • Sacred Plants: Myrtle & Rose
  • Retinue: The Kharities, The Horai, The Erotes, Eros, & Peitho
  • Other Names: Cypris & Cytherea
  • Cult terms: terms related to her religious praxis
Aphrodision: Temple of Aphrodite
Aphrodisia: Festival of Aphrodite
Adônia: Festival of Adonis
Hystêria: Festival of the Swine
Anagôgia: Festival of Embarkation

🐚Titles & Epithets:

  • Ourania(Urania): Heavenly, Divine(love)
  • Pandêmos(Pandemos): Common to all people (love)
  • Makhanitis(Machanitis): Deviser, Contriver
  • Epistrophia: She who turns to (love)
  • Apostrophia: Averter of (Unlawful desires)
  • Kataskopia(Catascopia): Spying, Peeping
  • Psithyristês(Psithyristes): Whispering
  • Praxis: Action
  • Melainis(Melaenis): Black(of night)
  • Symmakhia(Symmachia): Ally(in love)
  • Apatouros(Apaturus): Deceptive one
  • Nymphia: Bridal
  • Migôntis(Migontis): Union(Marital)
  • Dôritis(Doritis): Bountiful
  • Hêrê(Hera): Of Hera(marriage)
  • Morphô(Morpho): Of Shapely Form
  • Ambologêra(Ambologera): Postponer of old age
  • Nikêphoros(Nicephorus): Bringer of Victory
  • Areia: Of Ares, Warlike
  • Hôpismenê(Hoplismena): Armed
  • Euploia(Euploea): Fair Voyage
  • Pontia: Of the Sea
  • Limenia: Of the Harbour
  • Xenia: Of the foreigner
  • Kypria(Cypria): Of Cyprus
  • Paphia: Of Paphos(Cyprus)
  • Syria: Of Syria, Syrian
  • Eyrkinê(Eycina): Of Eryx(Sicily)
  • Kythereia(Cytherea): Of Cytherea(Laconia)
  • Amyklaios(Amyclaeus): Of Amyclae(Laconia)
  • Kôlias(Colias): Of Colias(Attica)
  • Kastiniê(Castinia): Of Mt. Castium (Pamphylia)
  • Knidia(Cnidia): Of Cnidus(Caria)
  • Pyrênaia(Pyrenaea): Of Pyrenees Mts(Gaul)
  • Akraia(Acraea): Of the heights
  • Kêpois(Cepoïs): Of the gardens
  • Anadyomenê(Anadyomene): Risen from the Sea

🐚 Offerings:

  • Incense/candles/Perfume: rose & ocean scents, myrrh, frankincense, apple, myrtle, strawberry or any other scents that remind you of her, I personally have a pink 7 day candle & frankincense incense for her
  • Chocolate(especially dark): Dark chocolate is an Aphrodisiac & chocolate in general is heavily associated with love
  • Roses: Roses are sacred to Aphrodite, you can give a whole rose, petals, or even rose water
  • Jewelry: offer her jewelry & if you wear it as a devotional act just keep it on her shrine/altar when ur not using it, I have a rose gold & rose quartz necklace i wear fir her
  • Art: Another votive offering that can double as devotional act if you make it yourself, anything you make in her honor shell love, i write poetry for her, my girlfriend on the other hand is more artistically talented & paints portraits of deities to use as votive, you can also write songs, hymns, take pictures of anything that reminds you of her, or anything you’re most comfortable with, Art can also be bought for a votive i got an Aphrodite print for her bc I can’t paint if my life depended on it
  • Seashells: Scallop & Abalone especially, you can even use a scallop shell as an offering bowl!
  • Olive oil: olive trees & oils were very religiously significant in ancient Greece
  • Honey: Bees are associated with Aphrodite so honey is a great offering
  • Stones: Pearls, Rose Quartz, & Aquamarine are all associated with Aphrodite
  • Mirrors
  • Makeup: similar to jewelry you can keep make up products on her sacred space & devote your makeup routine to her
  • Statues or other items related to her sacred animals: Doves, Swans, Sparrows, shellfish, hares, bees, & dolphins
  • Libations: pomegranate juice, aromantic rose tea, strawberry lemonade, water, rose water

21+ Offerings:

  • Alcohol: sweet red wine, pink champagne, Rosé wine, Cherry Liquor, Rose Liquor, Pomegranate Liquor

🐚Devotional Acts:

  • Practice self care & self love
  • Make up routine
  • Wearing jewelry in her honor
  • Research:

two great books I suggest are “Venus & Aphrodite: a biography of desire by” Bettany Hughes and “Pagan Portals: Aphrodite” by Irisanya Moon

  • Research her history, her origins in the Near east as a love & war goddess, known as Astarte to the Phoenicians, Ishtar to the Babylonians, and Inanna to the Sumerarians 
  • Read her myths, hymns, & poems
  • Shadow work
  • Make a Devotional Journal
  • Make a playlist for her
  • Make art
  • Write poems, hymns, prayers, letters
  • Devote a garden to her (pollinator friendly is great unless ur allergic to bees)
  • Enjoy the beauty of the world
  • Do something extra for yourself: eat some sweets, take a spa day, take a bath
  • Bake something in her honor
  • If you’re trans you can dedicate your gender affirmations and hrt routine to her, bc gender euphoria is part of self love for us & if you have dysphoria treating it is 100% self care
  • Visit the ocean (only if possible/affordable!)
  • Honor Zeus, her adopted father
  • Honor Ares, her beloved, & their children: Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia
  • Honor Hermaphroditos, Her intersex child with Hermes
  • Honor Poseidon, both are significant sea deities & Olympians & at one time lovers, Aphrodite was grateful for Poseidon supporting her relationship with Ares & they had two daughters— Rhodos & Herophilos, honor them as well
  • Honor her Retinue-minor goddesses that she surrounds herself with
The Horai — hours — her attendants, they clothed her & brought her to Olympus after her birth in the sea
The Kharities — charities — very commonly seen attending her. They’re good things, all good feelings. They are made up by Algaia(beauty), Euphrosyne(merriment), Thalia(good cheer), Paida(play), Eudaimona(happiness), Pandaisia(banquets), Pannyakhis(night parties & revels), Antheia(floral decorations), Harmonia(harmony) & numerous others
The Erotes — personifications of love, beauty, & desire & her closest & most common attendants. Eros(love), Himeros(desire), Pothos(lust), & sometimes Peitho(persuasion); Peitho is Aphrodite’s messenger
  • Donate to organizations that help survivors of sexual assault & domestic violence
  • Donate to organizations that advocate for the oceans
  • Donate to lgbt activism organizations, help spread awareness on trans, non binary, & intersex issues, & also be an ally to those on the hypersexual, asexual, & Aromantic spectrums & polyamorous folk
  • support sex workers (NOT to porn companies that exploit them, onlyfans is best),
  • NSFW devotional acts: masturbate or partake in sexual acts in her honor(only if you wish to or are comfortable doing so ofc), if you are a sexworker you can also devote your work to her!

🐚Digital devotions: these are perfect for people who can’t have a physical altar/shrine for whatever reason

  • Make an E-Shrine to her
  • Make a mood board for her
  • If you like video games you can sometimes do digital devotional acts, for Aphrodite I visit her sanctuary & her temple in AC Odyssey, theres no offering feature like in Valhalla but I like to light the pyres & pray to her, i also love doing any missions revolving helping lovers for her, ive also heard of people making temples and offerings in minecraft

Cute Altar/Shrine ideas:

A sacred space to Aphrodite should be as beautiful as you can make it, decorate it with ocean motifs(as she was born from the sea) , rose quartz, pearls, seashells, real or fake roses, garlands, flowers, mirrors, depictions of her sacred animals(doves, swans, sparrows, dolphins, bees, hares), art of her(whether bought or made), erotica

Great places to have her sacred space are next to a window, a windowsill, a vanity stand, or somewhere with a mirror

If you need it to be secret & wish to keep a travel altar, if possible keep it in a pretty box with floral or sea decorations, or a makeup pouch

An outdoor garden is great too! Make it pollinator friendly (unless ur allergic), use organic products (if affordable) on it, have bird feeders, and a safe area to have a candle or incense & an offering bowl, & a place to sit & enjoy her warm presence & beauty

And most important of all:

Love ya damn self💜

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