
Hoist By Your Own Petard

@yourownpetard / yourownpetard.tumblr.com

I'll let anon-hatemail describe this blog: "You're not noteworthy [enough] to be slandered [by being called a Nazi] because you're a blue-pilled, egalitarian faggot. So you fit in well with leftists, even if you have some right-wing tendencies. You're a shill and nothing you say is of any importance to anyone. That's why the vast majority of your followers are bots."

I was today years old

when I learned that men around children are usually taken for paedophiles/child rapists. it never occured to me that men are seen that way as society I always think ‘wow that man loves children so much, so sweet’

You may find that more of your male friends/acquaintances who have been around children in public on even a semi-regular basis can describe to you the phenomenon I have dubbed the ‘pedo glare’, than you may want to believe. There have been rules on airlines that forbade men from sitting adjacent to children flat-out; that is how far pedophile hysteria has gotten.

The same phenomenon has sadly kept a large number of males from entering or remaining in the teaching profession who would otherwise be enthusiastic about doing so, and the last thing that industry needs is to push away the impassioned, as they have such a positive effect on the youth they educate.

Ironically this also leads to female pedos having better access to kids. Many female pedos falsely accuse men who are trying to SAVE the kid of pedophilia to cover their asses.

The calling card of female abusers in general is rampant misandry. Women who abuse men use it to dehumanise their targets, and women who abuse other women use it to make their victims think what is happening to them isn’t abuse.

I’ve made posts about this before, but pedo hysteria and misandry negatively affected my childhood as the daughter of a single father.

Luckily I had an older sister to fill some of the gaps. But if she wasn’t there? As a five year old I had to just suck it up. He couldn’t escort me to the bathroom or bring me into the men’s room. He couldn’t sit in on ballet class. He couldn’t chaperone class trips.

And when I was a kid he just dealt with it and would just say to me “Daddies can’t do that,” but when I was older I understood why: single men alone with children (especially girls) are considered a threat.

And in my situation, how could you even blame my dad? Someone being suspicious could have ruined his life. Is it worth it to stick it to society if that means being branded a pedophile or even losing your kid?

Bf loves kids. Bf is wonderful with kids. He regularly babysat his little sister’s gaggle of insane pals when their parents couldn’t be bothered, and they all behaved for him. His most loved dream is to be a father.

He tried to apply for a job at a daycare in high school and the woman handing out applications looked at him, all brawny beardy almost six feet of him, and decided right there that he was lower than shit on her shoe, and she treated him as such.

For asking for a job application. While a minor himself. Yeah.

Thats my personal anecdote, but there’s others of fathers having their children snatched right in front of them by women. When they give chase, the woman just has to scream for help and the father will be chased down and beaten into submission by heroic bystanders while his child is taken away right in front of him. Nobody will ask questions. Nobody will believe a word the father says. Nobody will question the woman. I’ve read about several instances of this. Sometimes they actually find the baby later. Nobody ever seems very sorry that they attacked a man trying to keep his child safe; they just justify that he seemed suspicious.

Boys, men, and fathers are treated like predators by our society.


I keep getting right wing scare ads on YouTube 🙄🙄🙄

“It’s only a matter of time before socialist healthcare dismantles your private insurance”

I know socialism bad word and all. But for real, I’d like to see the gov even try to administer health care worse than the private sector does now. I’m actually on a government insurance program and it’s glorious compared to the absolute insanity of everything else.


Among Us fans - remember that “sus” is from AAVE

“sus” is *not* just internet slang made up to play a fun game about murderous space beans. “sus” is *not* recent. “sus” comes from AAVE and users have been persecuted and harassed for speaking English that way. 

So give credit to Black communities for the creation of the word, *don’t* fucking harass people who use it IRL, especially BIPOC people, and spread this information about AAVE words to other people.

I know/learned that a lot of internet slang that I used to use was from AAVE (salty, Yass queen, slay, literally anything that white gay people like to pretend they invented) so people need to actually pay attention and at minimum give credit to AAVE for inventing those words/phrases. 

I have been working on not using AAVE from my speech because I’m white and we need to fucking stop taking everything from Black culture while at the same time demonizing Black people who do the same thing because they literally invented it

Black Lives Matter isn’t just a trendy hashtag or filter- it’s looking at every aspect of your life (especially your language) and recognizing how it impacts BIPOC people. 

No it ain’t. It’s just suspicious shortened and has been used for ages by everyone. Stop it


>Expecting Antifa to have smart opinions.

ummmm “Sus” has been a classic staple meme of YouTube Poops since 2005

People who think you can own and gatekeep language are so fucking weird…get a job or something


If these people were told that black people invented air, I bet they’d stop breathing lol.

Even if sus was purely black invented slang. ok. great. so what?

You can’t take a word from people by using it. that makes no sense. they still have the word


Some of you liberals thinking Biden is the first step to dismantling imperialism when he infamously voted for both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, pushed military involvement in Kosovo and championed the use of drone strikes during Obama's administration.

Go grandpa

Okay but when we were literally mid-dictatorship... yeah, he IS the first step. You don’t just STOP at the first step, you keep taking steps. Maybe the first step should’ve been bigger but it’s still a step in the right direction. We just have to keep going, keep electing better people, but YEAH, he’s the FIRST step at this point in time.

You run your mouth like someone born after 2001.

Like someone born yesterday. Holy fuck. @kate-in-space is proof the education system in this country is built to keep you stupid.

“literally mid-dictatorship”



Loving the implication of how we just casually voted our way out of a dictatorship.

Ahh, spoken like a true American

I think the main point of this post got lost after the first reply in this thread.

Yeah, tho...”voted our way out of a dictatorship” 

Trump hasn’t conceded despite losing both the popular vote and the EC. We aren’t out.

He’s making incredibly serious accusations that the entire election was rigged despite having no evidence of extensive fraud. And his base is believing him. He’s been priming people to believe it for years; constantly sewing distrust in elections and democracy.

At this point, if the things he claims are true then it would be reasonable to take drastic action to ‘save democracy.’ Because in Trumps head he won. If people won’t admit it and let him be president then logically something must be done. There are large militia groups saying they’re ready to answer his call. 

Basically, have we actually voted our way out? Or are we in the prelude to a coup? Trump isn’t out until he’s actually out. And even then...there are millions of people who will think Biden stole the presidency. Because Trump lied and said he did. Trump is somehow the one trustworthy politician who doesn’t lie. Even though he blatantly lies every day.

The level of delusion and cognitive dissonance it takes to support Trump at this point means that anyone who still does is living in a completely fictitious reality. One where the democratic process is broken, and they have a man they want to be in charge.


It’s getting really hard to keep up with cancel culture and knowing which authors/books I should not read which movies I shouldn’t watch which actors I shouldn’t like and which companies I shouldn’t buy from. Like can I still enjoy Harry Potter (not that I like it but it’s the first example I could think of) or do I Jane to throw away books and movies and never express interest again?

Like can someone guide me on how cancel culture works cus I’m hella confused. Should I feel bad for liking and reading books from canceled people? I’m so confused. And yes I hate JK Rowling even though I never got into her books/movies anyway

I just want to be a good person in life but cancel culture is so confusing! I need it explained to me

I’m literally confused and asking I’m not calling anything stupid or bad or taking a side I agree we shouldn’t send bad people money but can I still read their books if I get it from a thrift store or yard sale?

Like if steven king came out right now saying something transphobic would I be a bad person advocate if I told people to read Cujo cus it’s a good book? Or would I be bad for reading Cujo?

This is just an example Steven king isn’t bad he’s great he’s not transphobic as far as I know

Steven King could go either way depending on if you're aware of that scene in IT, and I'm sure there's others too that I'm unaware of. If you still like Harry Potter (as you said easy choice) there's noting wrong with that, if you need to compartmentalize and file the creator in a different cabinet from their creation that's fine too. Got a couple bands like that on a mental list. Cancel culture changes it's rules every week and you'll give yourself an aneurysm trying to keep up with it. it's become such an overbearing situation that we're running into things like a college taking Abraham Lincoln's name off of a building, because he was racist, to which I say, no shit 99% of the population was racist can you not apply current year moral standards to historical figures please. we crossed the point where it should be something of concern instead of something to be mocked a while back, just got a few holdouts left, and for them the plan is to bring back shaming them for being horrible people

Cancel Culture, is a curious game, the best way to win is not to play.


local businesses putting black lives matter signs over their windows like a salt circle

Yeah, but in this story, these folks were spared. The BLM folks? Not.

Yes, something working in a mythical story but not real life provides a stark contrast.


Hey everyone if you are taking injections for hrt i know of a product that is a literal lifesaver. Especially if your having a hard time doing the injections yourself.

this thing will make it so you dont feel the injection literally at all. Its helped me a lot!!


Dildo Generator

Online 3D experiment by Ikaros Kappler which is described as a “Extrusion/Revolution Generator” ….

Created with three.js, you can alter the bezier curves and angle of the form, and is designed with 3D printing in mind (models can be exported and saved, as well as calculated weight in silicone).

Try it out for yourself (if you wish) here

the time is now

hell yeah

ah yes, the ol rolling pin dilda


it’s called the purple ramjet

which end do you start with? the answer is yours to decide

shove a vase up your ass

not even jesus could save yall motherfuckers’ souls


i call it the matterhorn

cackling just continues to get louder as I scroll through

i think this is the first time an internet community has discovered something customizable and adamantly refused to make penises


of course this is the post where tumblr is like “Seems sfw to me!”


I call this one the Megahorny

Just cram an entire table lamp up there

Me every time this post crosses my dash:

My laugh at this post is auditory evidence of just how sick I still am.


I’d usually post this to my NSFW blog but this is making me laugh so unreasonably hard that I can’t fucking breathe and therefore deserves to be on my main blog

Compiling some of the best ones from the replies-

How you gonna do us like that bruh???



en garde

This fucking site…


I’ve had a very hard day and this actually made me feel better.

The funny thing about this is that somehow instead of lewding a generic object generator the internet managed to un-lewd an actual dildo generator.

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