
Skinny Unassuming Asshole

@enigmaphenomenon / enigmaphenomenon.tumblr.com

Hey kiddos! I'm a skinny unassuming asshole!Welcome to my blog.

My chest was tightened by loneliness and despair My heart felt like it would break But your smiling face remained in my memories

Anonymous asked:

Neither ship is canon, though. You can interpret Cloud’s feelings however you’d like because he never officially states that he’s in love with either girl, nor does the canon material state that anyone is a couple. Tifa is his childhood friend, but even in the source material after the Lifestream fiasco she says she realizes they weren’t even close as kids.

Advent Children doesn’t make them canonically official either, as far as I know.

I totally get preferring one ship over the other. I personally think Clerifa is superior.

But really, what I don’t get is why make a whole blog for the sake of arguing whether something is canon or not? And even if it was canon, people are never going to stop shipping Clerith? Seriously. If Square Enix put out a statement today that said, “Tifa and Cloud are an official couple, they’re getting married in a spin-off game hooray :)” it still wouldn’t stop anybody from writing or drawing Clerith. So…I really just don’t get it. What exactly is the point of this? Do you just enjoy arguing with people and telling them that they’re wrong?

Before I answer this I want to say something. I made this blog because it was exhausting having the same arguments over and over and I wanted to have one place where I could just gather everything I wanted to say about it once, and then be done with it. However, my inbox is now pretty full with stuff I've already addressed, and the time it takes to answer them prevents me from making more generalized writings that I can just link to in the future. I could simply give you a very short "you're wrong", but I don't think that's particularly satisfying or productive, that having been said, retyping the same things I've already said in slightly different wording also isn't the best use of my time. When I give a reply, I want it to have some effort and time put into it so I apologize to anyone whose sent me a question that I don't get to. So lets get into it. You're wrong, one ship is canon, I think I've done a pretty good job explaining why on this blog, so I won't go into a full rehash here, but I will address it quickly.

There is a difference between whether or not something is canon, and whether or not we know what is canon. Something can be canon, and yet never be confirmed to be canon. Canon is simply the story as it is. Either Deckard was a replicant in Blade Runner, or he wasn't. The issues of whether or not the audience is ever told what the answer is, and whether or not there is an actual answer, are two different things entirely. Tifa and Cloud is canon, that's the story, now whether or not that's been confirmed is a different matter. I'd argue that it has been, both inside the games and out, but it's still a distinction I should point out. Lets first acknowledge that there is an implication in your question. "Neither ship", "Neither" implies two ships. Which two ships are you talking about? One is Cloud and Tifa, clearly, but what is the other ship? I assume you mean Aerith and Cloud but why would you single them out? Why are you dismissing the Jessie/Cloud shippers? Or the Zack/Cloud shippers? Or the Sephiroth/Cloud shippers? Was there ever some divine proclamation that there are two valid ships and two ships only? No, so why is your question implying that those other ships are somehow less worthy of consideration than the other two ships when this has never been officially stated? You might "like" Clerifa, and you're free to like whatever you like, but when it comes to what is potentially canon you disregard all other ships but two, I just go one further. The reason is quite simple, we don't need a final fantasy bible in order to determine what is going on in the story. In fact, if a story requires outside information in order to make sense of it, the story has failed. For all intents and purposes, we know that Cloud and Sephiroth are not secretly in love because that's simply not the story that's being told, no matter how much you want it to be, and regardless of whether or not it has ever been explicitly denied by the developers. When I watch the sixth sense (spoilers for the sixth sense btw) I don't need Haley Joel Osments character to tell Bruce Willis "You're dead dude, you're a ghost, here's your death certificate, here's a video of the cremation, when you were sitting with my mom she didn't actually see you" for us to understand that Bruce Willis is canonically dead. That's simply the story being told through visual storytelling, and when we look back at all the evidence that makes it look like Bruce Willis was alive, we understand that that's an intentional red herring. The lifestream sequence is such a moment. We get the reveal that Tifas opinion is the only one that matters. We get the reveal that Cloud fell in love with Tifa when he was a boy. We get the reveal that Cloud reason for becoming a Soldier was to get Tifa to notice him, that he's literally dedicated his life to it. We get the reveal that the cold distant Cloud we've seen throughout the game came to pass as a result of Cloud not being able to live with failing her and wanting to be the sort of hero that could protect her. Everything we've seen in the game concerning Cloud is recontextualized as being related to his feelings for Tifa. Not only that, but Cloud is revealed to have been behaving like Aeriths ex and we get an entire game where we play as said ex, desperately trying to get back to her, which goes out of it's way to mirror Aerith and Zacks relationship with Cloud and Tifas, as well as state that Aeriths one wish is to spend more time with Zack and show how during FFVII, that was exactly what she was doing. This story is about as subtle and ambiguous as a sledgehammer to the face, it's not a matter of personal interpretation, it's a matter of lying to yourself vs not lying to yourself, which I will repeat until it sinks in. Even though Zidane and Garnet did nothing sexual and never started any sort of relationship in FFIX we still understand that Garnet and Zidane are canon, and not Eiko/Zidane. In the same vein we know that Cloud and Tifa are canon because THAT'S THE STORY. And I won't sit here and pretend that it's not just because

it might upset someones feelings. Every other candidate you might have had in mind as Clouds partner, be it Jessie, or Aerith, or hell, Zack or Sephiroth if that's your groove, they're literally all dead. This is literally an open and shut casket.

People pretend like there are two routes here, a Tifa route, and an Aerith route.....There aren't. This is not some situation where you have multiple endings, one where Cloud ends up with Aerith, and one where he ends up with Tifa, and we don't know which version of the story actually happened. NO, there is a Tifa route, which ends with Aerith dying, the player discovering Cloud always loved Tifa, Tifa and Cloud confirming their feelings match, and them raising children together at the seventh heaven. And then there's ANOTHER TIFA ROUTE! Which also ends with Aerith dying, the player discovering Cloud always loved Tifa, Tifa and Cloud confirming their feelings match, and them raising children together at the seventh heaven. There is no Aerith route here, so why are people pretending there is? In no version of this story has Cloud ever shown romantic interest in Aerith. In no version of this story does Cloud not have a romantic interest in Tifa, in no version of this story does Cloud not end up raising a family with Tifa. This entire Cloud/Aerith romance is something that literally only exists in the heads of the people who are trying to will it into existence, so why am I asked to pretend that there is validity in what is essentially a conspiracy theory about how "everything we know about FFVII is wrong, and Cloud actually ends up with Aerith"? Garnet and Zidane hug? CANON! Tifa and Cloud have sex? "nah man, nothings confirmed". Zidane shows interest in every girl he meets? "Canonically loves Garnet." Cloud never shown to have any sexual/romantic interest in any girl except Tifa? "nah man, nothings confirmed". Rinoa and Squalls alternate love interests still alive? "doesn't matter". Literally all of Clouds hypothetical other love interests dead? "NOTHINGS CONFIRMED!"

What is it that people are not getting here? What about this story is seemingly so vague and unconfirmed and open to interpretation? There is nothing ambiguous about this story. Cloud has been revealed to have been in love with Tifa ever since he was a child. Tifa has been revealed to have been in love with Cloud ever since she was a child. Their feelings have been confirmed to endure to the current day. Their feelings have been confirmed to match and to lead them to raise a family. They literally have sex. Real Cloud has shown zero romantic interest in any other character. Tifa has shown zero romantic interest in any other character. Clouds feelings towards Aerith and Zack have consistently been described as "feelings of guilt". Living with Tifa has been described as his promised land. Tifa's last name is literally a reference towards Clouds feelings for her. Aerith has had an entire game showing her loving Zack, and showing how her actions with Cloud were mimicking her time with Zack. Aerith and Zack have been shown to walk into the light together. THERE WAS AN ENTIRE MOVIE DEDICATED TO THE IDEA OF MOVING ON, LETTING THE PAST REST, AND GOING ON WITH LIFE! And most importantly, all these facts fit what was always the obvious and in your face essence of the story. If you needed the developers to explain to you that Cloud is going through feelings of survivors guilt in advent children, and that it's not a love story, then you've failed as a viewer because this was never in any way unclear UNLESS you've got a warped preconception of the story based on your incorrect, emotionally created, misunderstanding of what FFVII is about.

Do you just enjoy arguing with people and telling them that they’re wrong?

Yes. There are other reasons though, I don't argue with people over everything that they're wrong about, I only argue when people are obviously wrong and I am personally baffled by the fact that they just refuse to admit the glaringly obvious. For instance, when people argue that the world is flat, even though it really has no impact on me whether or not they believe it, I find that infuriating because it's so obviously wrong. They're also influencing the fandom, which I find annoying, I like FFVII, and I want to talk about FFVII, but too often I find that I can't because I can't even mention the story of FFVII without people bringing up conspiracy theories and demanding I acknowledge them. No other FF fandom requires me to pretend that the canonical couples aren't what they are. Not only does this make it annoying to talk about the game, but it leads to misconceptions that make the game less beloved than it should be. The amount of people who criticize Advent children, not because it's objectively bad, but because they simply don't understand the story, is staggering. And that has consequences. Not only is it generally bad for you if something you're a fan off is hated, since that impact future merchandise, but it also impacts fellow fans. I've seen numerous people complaining about misinformation and being thankful for the help once they finally understand the story. Generally, when someone claims to be a fan of FFVII, but is saying something that is incorrect, I will correct them. This shouldn't be that difficult to understand, let's say you love soccer or something and you hear a fellow soccer fan say something about how Germany won the world cup in 1992, and you know that actually Denmark won in 1992. Would you not want to do them the courtesy of telling them they're wrong? (Yes I had to look this up because I do not love soccer). When I am wrong about something, I want people to tell me, so I can correct myself and learn more about the things I love. I've never gotten mad about being proven wrong. If you're correct, you shouldn't be scared of people telling you you're wrong, and if you're a fan, you should be happy to learn more about the thing you love. Every time I debate someone on this topic, I become more knowledgeable about a topic I love. When someone has a defensible position, they don't need to get upset, they can just carry on a conversation. When people get upset because you're telling them they're wrong, it's usually because they're emotionally attached to the position, can't defend it, and so lash out against you to stop you from taking it. They're not in the wrong for being wrong, you're in the wrong for "pointing out that they're wrong". Well, that or because you've heard the same extremely flawed arguments a thousand times before and are sick of responding to them. Either or.


Hey Silver. I was watching a YouTube video about Tifa being Cloud’s love interest (don’t Remember what it’s called but I know for a fact it was about Tifa and her relationship with Cloud). Anyway one comment talked about how Cloti was canon. And then I looked in the replies and what do you know someone vehemently saying it’s not canon. And they gave “evidence” such as that Cloud and Tifa always were fighting and that they had separate rooms and didn’t sleep in the same bed. But do you know what they said that I hated the most? That Cloud and Tifa embody all the negative aspects of a relationship while Cloud and Aerith embody all the positive aspects of a relationship. i like Aerith but those Claeriths are extremely stupid and delusional and say shit that makes zero sense. Someone said Tifa is a “whore“ who didn’t give a shit about Cloud forcing him to do that Avalanche mission and putting him in danger and not bothering to look for him. Idiot.


Yeah, sounds like the cult. They love going into cloti content and shitting all over it while also saying they super innocent and "stay in their lane".

Funny how while "staying in their lane" I've collected several ss of them admitting stalking me on alts as well as all the other ss where it shows they stalk and harass clotis who are just minding their business.


Of course they’ve bash Tifa for getting Cloud a job and paying him for his job with Avalanche and not say shit about Aerith literally roping Cloud into a fight with SHINRA’S TURKS!!! while she stands on the sidelines like a cheerleader and doesn’t actually pay him with something he can use to sustain a living.  Lemme guess they’re just...not gonna bring up Aerith had Cloud pick a fight with two turks? For no reason other than she wanted a show? 

Anonymous asked:

Jairus sure has it in for you. Rabid Cloti. Ha! As far as I’ve seen in the fandom, you’ve never harassed an artist, or gotten into an argument unprovoked, or mass spammed SE for content. I could go on but there is a character limit. The fandom would be much better off with more “Rabid Cloti’s” like you.

Oh yeah, he's super obsessed with me and thinks I'm obsessed with Tifa.

My account is a Tifa fan account, so what the fuck else would I be talking about? And yet I still talk about plenty of other stuff in the game and in the FF franchise in general. All Jairus goes on about is Jessie and how much he hates Tifa and thinks she's overrated and how Jessie deserves more attention.

If she deserves more attention then why isn't he buying her Pak and why is he using Tifa to push his busted fanfiction?

Anonymous asked:

"Yeah, I’ve got that much disposable income I don’t even have to stop and think before I buy." Is that why you're freeloading off your sister as a 30-something and can't even rent your own flat? Lol k. Try again before fake flexing, loser. No one's jealous of your dumbass figurines, please, some of us are actual functioning adults here

Awww how cute, you think you did something.

I own half the house and I've never freeloaded off anyone, unlike you sad sacks begging people on the internet to buy you books and merch cause you can't even afford a £5 keyring.

If you're such a functioning adult how come you can't figure out the plot to a computer game and spend your life harassing strangers on the internet like a pathetic, bitter, jealous sad dumdum lil misogynistic racist? Oh wait, I know, it's because you never played it and you're jealous a set of smoking hot pixels got a better boyfriend than you'll ever have and the people who actually played the game are way happier than you'll ever be in your bitter excuse for a life.

I also ain't in my 30's and haven't wasted 24 years bitching about a game I never played, unlike you. I mean, talk about pathetic. Seriously, that's so embarrassing for you to keep spouting all this incorrect bullshit about everything and insulting everyone involved in the game and expecting them to reward you.

Yeesh 😬


“No one’s jealous” Ooooooh someone is anon. Someone. Clearly. Is. 


The Opera Omnia Tier/Rankings! The *BEST* characters are: Vaan, Tina, Cloud, Lilisette, WoL, Sephiroth, Firion, Bartz, Yuna, Kefka, Lenna, Cecil, Ace, Tidus, Maria, and Kuja! The absolute “worst” or garbage tier is: Wakka, Sahz, Yuffie, Aerith, Steiner, Shadow, Sabin, Onion Knight, Yang, Serah, and Auron.

This is from a gameplay standpoint isn’t it? 

Of course! For Opera Omnia. A “usefulness” tier if you will!

Aerith is in the bottom 5, ouch…

Anonymous asked:

I read this from someone that used to be in the Final Heaven discord: "I left cause it was really weird the main admin said she hated all the new cloti In the salt channel they always purge they discuss stuff they’re too worried about their rep not sure I heard they require more information from members obviously I did not want to be a part of none of that They also had a clerith as mod seems like they were friends with Clerith who I heard doxxed clotis- 1/2

-if they hate new clotis you can bet theyre not above causing drama Mary seems like an old timer though new clotis probably means younger ones like I felt out of place over all it is strange behavior wish people would leave that place". Please Clotis out there be careful!!! 2/2

I heard that too. They purge their channels so people can't use it against them, which is weird af for a start. They're also very oppressive and pretty much denand everyone agrees with "both girls are canon" or you get trolled.

Last year I was told they expect members to give personal info to be part of the place and that was a huge red flag for me, so much that I advised everyone following me at the time to not give out personal info no matter what.

Their leader came at me, used a burner account to try and find out who told me all this so they could punish them (I didn't tell them shit) and then spread bs lies about me and harassed my asks. If I didn't have a point why do that?

At the end of the day it's a game, not a fucking way of life. People need to stop being such assholes over it. Nothing they do or say, no lie they spread or amount of people they bully will change canon. They should grow tf up and get over it.


They also deny they even have a salt channel but then they’ll slip up and say it’s a private tea chat. 


Some Facts from the new novel by Nojima, Two Pasts:

-Tifa and Cloud were childhood friends since they were little.

-Their mothers were best friends too.

-Cloud found Tifa's new cat and took care of her, and didn't want his mom telling Tifa he had found it. LOL. Claudia took the cat back to Thea, and told her Cloud had found the lost cat for Tifa.

-Claudia thought Tifa was a mature girl for her age, and wanted a mature girlfriend for her son, someone to look after him.

-Thea thought Cloud was a handsome little boy, cuter than the legendary Sephiroth. She winks at her daughter, making her blush.

Both moms approved of Cloud x Tifa. ❤

-Tifa and Cloud had crushes on each other, and admired each other even when they were apart.

-Tifa always invited Cloud to play with her and her new friends.

(FF7 Remake Japanese dialogue from Tifa, "Are you ignoring me again?" )

-Cloud always declined, he didn't like Tifa's friends and distanced himself from them. His heart always admired Tifa and never stopped loving her.

-Tifa's guy friends bullied Cloud behind her back. Tifa never bullied Cloud and loved him for who he is.

-The guy friends took notice of how beautiful Tifa was when they got older, but she declined their offers to spend time with them alone.

-Tifa loves Cloud and admires him, and thinks of him like a beautiful shining star in the starry night sky she can't reach.

-When Cloud yelled at her to meet him at the Water Tower, Tifa's heart fluttered in her chest and she took time to pick out a pretty dress to wear for their meeting.

-The starry night promise became special to them, and Cloud only told Tifa he was going to join SOLDIER. A special moment between them.

-Years later when Tifa asks Claudia if Cloud had returned from SOLDIER, Claudia was surprised, since she never knew Cloud joined SOLDIER, and learned this info from Tifa. (Cloud only talked about his joining SOLDIER to Tifa alone 😏)


They were friends when they were little before Tifa's mom died, but grew apart after that because everyone blamed him for her fall, including himself, but yeah the book is so cute showing their past together and Toriyama said it forms the backbone of the game going forward 😁❤️

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