


She/They, Aro/Ace. 21 Comissions are now open.

Two more weeks until Very Best Vivosaur!!!

Mark the date! April 17th is Fossil Fighters’ birthday, and to celebrate the momentous occasion we are going to begin hosting the Very Best Vivosaur Bracket on the week of the event.

April 14th is when we will begin the Poll!!!!

If you want to send in propaganda about your favorite vivosaurs, please do so as soon as you can!


A possible thought for how Aphrodite should be portrayed in the series. Bc honestly, I want her to have a little more depth-character wise then just a pretty little afterthought that is kinda shallow. (I love the idea of multiple actresses playing her, that thought is gorgeous.)

I want her to be a fan girl. A book fanatic.

It’s been confirmed that Aphrodite reads steamy romance novels (see Percy Jackson’s guide to Greek gods) and it’s been confirmed she likes making people’s love lives interesting. (See her conversation with Percy in Book three and I think her conversation with Annabeth, piper and hazel in I think Mark of Athena?)

I want to see her giggling as she bothers Athena about characters in a book that Athena recommended to her, completely missing the themes and telling Athena about her favorite ships. ( Athena massaging her temples)

I wanna see Aphrodite kicking her feet and squealing when she makes someone use an “who did this to you.”

I wanna see her wearing band merch and going to concerts, dancing and singing along to the music, being the literal manifestation of love in the crowd, for the band, for the fans, all of it.

I wanna see her roll her eyes at other people’s ships and purposefully tank them just because she absolutely hates the idea of it, and then change her mind a week later.

I wanna see her inspire fan artists to do ship art because god she loves this ship and Athena won’t weave her an image of them for her, and then hold it close to her chest and dance around the room—no matter the skill level of the artist.

I wanna see Ares be like doing matinence on his Harley and Aphrodite bouncing up to him asking if he will recreate this scene she read about, and when she’s done describing it—the two of them scrambling off to go be intimate.

Idk, I wanna see the goddess of love, be love you know? I want her to have an actual: “most people assume I’m shallow, and that my kids are too. I guess that’s true in a way. I know what they think of me: and I don’t care. I’m happy, just the way I am and I think that offends them.” I want her to have an actual character outside of just “mmm I’m pretty goddess has little to no personality other then being pretty.”—because that is misogynistic.

And I know that I’m not gonna get all those scenes, I’m very aware of that—but that is the energy I want Aphrodite to have.


Okay, so I get that gabe is kinda a dick, but like a palatable dick in this adaptation so far.

I think that throughout the series he will slow roast us, becoming more and more awful through tv interviews and the like. We will only grow to hate him more.

TLDR: be patient. I’m sure they will make him more terrible as the season progresses.


i cannot wait for the new generation of neurodivergent kids to watch this show and see themselves represented. they get to experience the same things we did in a format where adhd can be visually seen and represented without having to describe it. they get to see themselves on one of the biggest shows in current pop culture, and i am so exited for them


Omg they are 12 years old. Seeing it in live action really makes me realize how fucked up this is. These children are about to go through so much trauma. They are already my favourite people ever I am not prepared for this show


Okay so.

Totally normal.

Totally normal about Sally telling Grover “I am entrusting you with my son, my only child” right next to Thalia’s hill.

I am totally normal about the pain that flashes through Grover’s eyes, and how you can see his past failure in the gesture.

I am totally normal about Grover Underwood and his trauma and how it was shown in every piece of that scene.


AHHHHHHH THE NEW PERCY JACKSON IS HERE here are my thoughts for episode 1:


  • They’ve already amped up Percy and Sally’s relationship SO MUCH compared to what they did in the movies, this was so good and UGH my heart just breaks for them percy is such a mama’s boy and he’s the only true joy sally’s had in her life for the past 12 years… yeah somebody sedate me…
  • PERCY SAYING HE THINKS HIS BRAIN IS BROKEN AND HE CAN’T HELP NOT FOCUSING oh my god the dyslexic adhd rep is so real I’m remembering how meaningful it was to have this in the books growing up
  • grover my baby is killing it I love him <3
  • percy being mad that his friend has been gaslighting him this whole time ohhhh 😢
  • SLAYYYYYY PERCY WITH THE MINOTAUR they beat the bad cgi allegations so hard
  • idk why but sally jackson being an olivia rodrigo stan makes so much sense to me like yeah she’s just a girl trying to get through at the end of the day and probably the best time in her life was when she was in her twenties and in love with a god like nobody captures heartbreak in her twenties like olivia

shit percy has said that's cracked me up: "is there a greek god of disappointment? maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid"


Of the many MANY things I am looking forward to in the Percy Jackson show, high up on that list is a concrete definite ultra canon pronunciation of Thalia’s name

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