January 10, 2012
“The year: 1985
The product: Nintendo Entertainment System
The result: Hit
After a successful two-year stint in Japan, the Nintendo Entertainment System wowed CES-goers with its 8-bit gaming. The spectacle did more than enthrall a...


The year: 1985
The product: Nintendo Entertainment System
The result: Hit

After a successful two-year stint in Japan, the Nintendo Entertainment System wowed CES-goers with its 8-bit gaming. The spectacle did more than enthrall a generation of bored school kids, it also revived the U.S. video game market from its apocalyptic outlook post-Atari fallout. The Daily rounds up the great successes (and catastrophic failures) of CES

(via theweekmagazine)

5:53pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZXEMWyEa7UXS
Filed under: NES nintendo ces 
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