a little dusty in here — smaugthebetta: greylilacs: jumpingjacktrash: ...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
“ greylilacs:
“ jumpingjacktrash:
“ the-real-seebs:
“ maghrabiyya:
“ moonstonebeginning:
“ soulpunx20xx:
“ moonstonebeginning:
“ moonstonebeginning:
“ A great addition to your garden or back yard. - Bee watering station.
Bees need...

A great addition to your garden or back yard. - Bee watering station. 

Bees need water just like we do but often times drown in open water. To make a bee watering station you can either do what is shown in the photo above and fill the bowl of a dog/cat watering jug with stones or you can fill a small dish with marbles and add water to that. That way the bees have something to land on!


First post to get this many notes, and I’m so glad it’s this one. ^_^


No fuck bees kill them all


Kill all bees huh? Bees are responsible for pollinating around 80% of agriculture. Bees die, you die. Do research and get over your fears.


bees are so important save the bees


Bees are pretty awesome. I won’t defend yellowjackets, mind.


yellowjackets, i will set on fire. they eat meat and garbage. technically they help by eating crop pests, but they’re so aggressive towards humans and pets that it’s dangerous NOT to kill them when you find a nest near your house.

bees are absolute darlings and essential to human life as well as the environment. they pollinate fruit and vegetables. they make honey — they make more honey than they need, so beekeepers can harvest it without hurting them, it’s like they WANT to share. they can only sting once, it kills them, so they’re very reluctant to do so, and usually you can let them walk on your hands and when you want them to leave just gently blow on them and they’ll go. bees are nothing to be afraid of unless you’re deathly allergic.

you can tell the difference by the presence or absence of fur. if it’s fuzzy, it’s a friend.

bees are fuzzy and they are our friends, help and protect them.

wasps/hornets/yellowjackets are shiny and they hate us, don’t let them nest near your home.


Noo! I get so sad when I see posts like this!

I was ill informed, too when it came to wasps! But darlings I promise they’re important and here’s why:

  1. Mud Daubers are a sub species of ‘wasp’ that hunt down spiders and feed them to their young. Spiders can range from black windows to a harmless cellar spider, but the point is- you got too many spidders? Start praying for mud daubers. 
  2. Wasps carry yeast in their stomachs! You like wine? Then thank wasps- the babies carry yeast back to grape vines and help boost the grape production!
  3. They are natures lil’ cleaners. They eat rotting fruit and veggies which can pose health risks to other animals, attract flies and other scavenger pests, and just simply smell bad.
  4. They’re also pollinators! Just like bees!

Now, this being said- Wasps are very territorial little babies. They want to protect their homes and their life, but wouldn’t you!? Think about it! we’re giant paper-wielding monsters to them that have invisible force fields of death in our giant nest boxes.

By the time we find them they’re already 210% done with every situation, and just wanna be let out! 

If you find waspies near your home and you’re allergic, terrified, or have another personal reason they CAN-NOT be there? Then use some all natural repellent, not poison! remember that poison doesn’t just harm the bug you’re directly spraying it at- but birds, other bugs, and sometimes even our neighborhood squirrel, cat, or mouse who comes along to get a tasty (All be it weird) treat! 

For example: I’ve heard if you sprinkle cinnamon powder around a nest of bees, wasps or yellow jackets that they DESPISE the smell and will move the nest elsewhere!

Wasps HATE the smell of mint! So get some minty plants going and you’ll be good to go! 

Here’s directions!


Ahh, I didn’t even read the comments, I just automatically reblog the bee watering hole whenever I see it.

Re-reblogging for lilacs comment!

bees polinators are v. important to me

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