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“ ryuuenx:
“ hourglassandclass:
“ Xlizardx sent in this super cool submission. Here’s what she said:
I made this today to illustrate how inconsistent sizing in women’s clothing...





Xlizardx sent in this super cool submission. Here’s what she said:


I made this today to illustrate how inconsistent sizing in women’s clothing really is. Each of these skirts is a different size - and each fits me perfectly. So what size am I really?
Who knows?
Certainly not Oasis, Topshop, H&M, or Warehouse, clearly.”

Interesting observation!

Same thing happens to me and jeans. Depending on the brand, I’ve gone from a US 7 to a 13 in juniors sizes.

I still don’t understand why women’s clothes haven’t switched to the men’s system and just use inches/mm instead of some arbitrary number system. It would actually make sense!

Here’s the thing about that, and I was thinking about this just the other day. I have a lot of pants and skirts that are sized by waist inches. But a lot of women’s pants sit way below the waist. On me, my actual waist is five inches above the top of my pants. So I bought a bunch of size 28 pants without trying them on, stupidly thinking they would fit me because they were sized in inches, and ended up with a lot of pants I couldn’t fit into.

And then there’s the fact that my waist to hip to butt ratio is drastically different from any other woman’s. Someone with my same size in one dimension might be way bigger or smaller in another. Bodies have so many variables!

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