Our cover in Britain: in promising a referendum on Europe, the prime minister is taking a punt.

Our cover in Britain: in promising a referendum on Europe, the prime minister is taking a punt.

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  1. gazetaoriental reblogged this from theeconomist
  2. linguophilic-blog reblogged this from theeconomist and added:
    some Economist cover of DCam for you, ironduchess!
  3. fhwschmidt reblogged this from theeconomist and added:
    Nun gerät Großbritannien in den Blickpunkt und wird als das Land der Europa-Skeptiker gebrandmarkt. Aber würde ein...
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  11. jakobsteffen reblogged this from theeconomist and added:
    Quite cheeky cover by theeconomist again; alas, it’s straight to the point again,
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  15. victusinveritas reblogged this from theeconomist and added:
    Now featuring 20% more Kenny Rogers.
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  17. awaywardhill reblogged this from theeconomist and added:
    My god I love economist covers
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