January 9, 2017
Here’s when tumblr idiocy meets real life. Apparently people thought a museum letting guests dress up in a kimono in an authentic manner was too racist, even though the event was organized by a Japanese woman. Leading to pictures like this:
Were any...

Here’s when tumblr idiocy meets real life. Apparently people thought a museum letting guests dress up in a kimono in an authentic manner was too racist, even though the event was organized by a Japanese woman. Leading to pictures like this:


Were any actual Japanese people offended? Nope.

“We actually do not quite understand what their point of protest is,” said Jiro Usui, the Deputy Consul General of Japan in Boston. “We tried to listen to those people who are protesting, but we think together with the MFA we should encourage that Japanese culture be appreciated in a positive way.”

6:30pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Z8L_Om2GzKWbH
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    Actual Japanese people mystified as to why Americans are protesting a Japanese run exhibit of kimonos and calling it...
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