September 5, 2017
Night Swim at Bonita Cove


Very few people get to experience the exhilaration of swimming in open water at night. After last night’s swim at Bonita Cover, right outside of the Golden Gate Bridge, we’re still reeling with awe and joy.

Yesterday evening met up in the Presidio to go over swim details and get our gear in order. 

Here’s NIhan viewing us as red blobs through the thermal camera. The thing tuned out to be useless in water; it could not distinguish a human figured in the ocean. At least it can keep our Nihan entertained for hours.


James, a wonderful friend of team Brown Phatz and our boat captain, filling up the Arias’ gas tank before heading out.


Apparently there’s no place to throw out cardboard boxes where Briana just moved, so she lugged them up to the city to shove into someone else’s recycling bins (sshhhh).


Over the Golden Gate Bridge we go! On our way over to the launch dock at Fort Baker, right at the base of the Big Red Bridge.


Launching the boat at Fort Baker. Turns out it takes a village to reverse a trailer into the water.


Keira, brandishing an oar to fend off sea monsters (and to row us away from the dock.)


Strapped into life vests and ready to set out on our adventure.


We did a dry (wet?) run of the relay mechanics, including swimming in our order and jumping in the behind the swimmer to tag out. Instead of 1-hour intervals we’ll do in the Channel, we did 10 minute swim intervals and shone a white light at the swimmer to signal the end of their time. 

Flanked by a near-full moon and the Golden Gate Bridge are Krista and Keira in colored lights, tagging in/out during a transition between swimmers. 


Briana jumps in a blur of green. 


Nihan facing her fears in a stylish red light.


Hauling the boat back in after our epic adventure, feeling cold, tired and giddy with the joy of it all.


Isabel and Krista post-swim, warm and safe in our swim parkas and life jackets.


Mission accomplished! 
