2 Notes

Jim Lee, X-Men #4
Contrary to popular opinion, Jim Lee is at his best—I feel, anyway—when he draws more than six panels per page. Look at this example. 10 panels. Pacing. Humor. Just enough backgrounds. And the “amazing visuals” he’s known for are no...

Jim Lee, X-Men #4

Contrary to popular opinion, Jim Lee is at his best—I feel, anyway—when he draws more than six panels per page. Look at this example. 10 panels. Pacing. Humor. Just enough backgrounds. And the “amazing visuals” he’s known for are no less impressive. Not everything has to be a splash page or double-page spread. Yes, he repeated three panels in this sequence—but it’s a smart storytelling decision, not a cheap or lazy one.



  1. andrewscottonline posted this

