Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



“ All right- see these awesome belt pouches? Each one’s currently slipped onto a 40” belt. Each one hand-constructed to be able to hold ALL the contents of your pockets whilst looking infinitely more awesome. Each one ready to go...


All right- see these awesome belt pouches? Each one’s currently slipped onto a 40” belt. Each one hand-constructed to be able to hold ALL the contents of your pockets whilst looking infinitely more awesome. Each one ready to go anywhere. 

Now, normally at conventions or online, I sell these for $120 apiece (plus shipping, if shipping’s needed) Right now, because I need the funds so I can cover things through the first day of ECCC, I’m going to offer a bit of a deal. The first person to contact me privately and pay me for one of these through paypal gets to have one for only $95 dollars, including shipping inside the continental US. (International folks, you’re welcome to the $95 price, but I will have to add on shipping fees for you) That’s twenty-five bucks off of the regular price, and for those who know me, I don’t offer these kinds of deals very often, if ever. So, who needs to get belted?  

Trust me, peeps, one of you needs to jump on this deal and throw money at winneganfake

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  7. theeinkibus reblogged this from dee-the-red-witch and added:
    If I wasn’t effing broke, I’d go for one myself! (BPR! Dishonored! My favs!) Spread the love, this man works hard!
  8. inkiwirks reblogged this from dee-the-red-witch and added:
    If I wasn’t effing broke, I’d go for one myself! (BPR! Dishonored! My favs!) Spread the love, this man works hard!
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    Just trying to help someone get to where they need to be.
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