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“ littl3-0ld-m3:
“ showmyspine:
“ ishsweeney:
“ myintriguing:
“ My friends decided to take a lovely pic for the Westboro Baptist Church. They’re not gay but they support gay rights
This is the most gangsta shit I have ever seen...






My friends decided to take a lovely pic for the Westboro Baptist Church. They’re not gay but they support gay rights

This is the most gangsta shit I have ever seen on tumblr

Not even a little bit sorry for posting color to my uncolored blog. This is amazing.

Literally the third time reblogging this, no regrets

Oh my god ahhahahaha

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  6. hummingbirdglimmer reblogged this from crazyworldhuh and added:
    Thank you gentlemen for your perfect reaction. Two people brought light to an otherwise oppressively dark situation.
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  10. tomboyjessie13 reblogged this from ultimatenutshackfangirl and added:
    Such a beautiful image.
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