June 6, 2010
A conversation I had with my brother last September.

Him: Hey, M! Did you hear there’s a new Jay-Z album out?

Me: [shrugs]

Him: What, you don’t like the greatest rapper alive?

Me: Um…

Him: Oh, I know! You’re a Tupac kind of girl. You like the greatest rapper… who is DEAD.

Me: Well. I *do* like Tupac. And not just because of his eyelashes. Besides, he’s not dead. He’s alive and well and living under an assumed name in Florence, Italy. Last I heard he married Niccolò Machiavelli’s great great great great granddaughter.

Him: … [open-mouthed, horrified]

Me: Dude. Kidding?

Him: Oh. So. So you wanna hear the new Jay-Z album or what?

1:01pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZDfGaydyRnk
Filed under: maria being maria 
  1. pikkutiikeri said: Oh boy, I like Tupac so much! He was infinitely better than Jay-Z, and not just because he was infinitely better looking. ;) And I *still* think Nas trumps Jay-Z anytime!
  2. fictionandneuroscience posted this