September 11, 2013
I’ll probably use this as my author photo. It’s good enough, I look content, and my hair is on its best behavior.
[ETA: This photo was taken in May. I’m like 30 pounds lighter now but I don’t think that matters. I’d use something more recent if I had...

I’ll probably use this as my author photo. It’s good enough, I look content, and my hair is on its best behavior. 

[ETA: This photo was taken in May. I’m like 30 pounds lighter now but I don’t think that matters. I’d use something more recent if I had it, but I don’t.]

1:46pm  |   URL:
Filed under: gpoyw gpoy 
  1. karyllsaid said: Your hair looks really full and healthy. Nice!
  2. fictionandneuroscience posted this