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These posters are in the stalls of the bathrooms at my university (at least in the ladies, I haven’t asked anyone if they’re in the gents too. I hope so though). Thank you National Union of Students for doing it right. If only they put these posters up in all public bathrooms

If you have the option, consider a similar campaign in your school or work environment. I know I’ve personally had challenges in this area because I’m gender nonconforming and have been mistaken for a male in the women’s restroom many times…but haven’t felt safe enough to pass in the men’s on days when it would be appropriate. For many of us, without people being told outright that they are safe and that we need to be given that same right, public bathrooms can range from a source of anxiety to an outright dangerous situation.

A note to people who are on the fence about which bathroom to use:

Men’s rooms are generally cleaner overall, but women’s stalls get cleaned harder when they do get attended to.

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