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What’s inside “The Bxx”?


Surveillance cameras, skeptics and spirits – Inside The Bxx’s production of “Haunted,” a group of characters investigate a creepy house for paranormal activity. It’s a very linear story with a non-linear interface, with multiple feeds to keep an eye on the characters in the house. It’s very “Big Brother,” and while at first you may find it difficult to sink it to, after about an hour’s worth of watching, you’ll be hooked.

The interface for watching video is an overhead layout of the map, with a timeline slider on top. You can select a segment within a hour within the total 48 hours. When the slider shifts to a segment, the characters are placed in new locations on the map, and video feeds can be tuned into to see what happened in that room during that segment. 

“Carnivàle” Daniel Knauf headed up this project, and in this interview with MediaShift, provides an in-depth explanation of why he took this on in the name of “Transmedia” storytelling, and more about the story. 

As per his suggestion, if you’re looking for a taste of what the experience is like, go to Saturday, Hour 5, Segment 6, and check out Camera 1. Then, go look at the cameras in the bedroom to see what she saw. There’s also piles of other documents within the site to check out to get a full look at the story, their logs, and more.

Overall, a very, very exciting project, and makes me very hopeful that Hollywood may get inspired to start telling stories in very new and very challenging ways.