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Macgregor Mathers on Tarot & Kabbalah (2 Free PDF’s)



The Kabbalah Unveiled


Written by: Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers

The Kabbalah Unveiled explores three important books of the Zohar or “Splendor”: “The Book of Concealed Mystery,” the book of equilibrium or balance, concerning the central point, at which rest succeeds motion; “The Greater Holy Assembly”; and “The Lesser Holy Assembly.” Together, these three books examine the gradual development of the creative deity, and of creation itself.


The Tarot: Its Occult Significance, Use in Fortune-Telling, and Method of Play, Etc.


Written by: Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers

Excerpt from the book:

“Yet this is a true fact. This Egyptian book, the sole remains of their superb libraries, exists to our day; it is even so common that no savant has designed to trouble himself about it, no one before myself having suspected its illustrious origin. This book is composed of seventy-seven leaves or illustrations, or rather of seventy-eight, divided into five classes, which each present objects as various as they are amusing and instructive. In one word, this book is the PACK OF TAROT CARDS.”



Samuel Liddell Mathers, was a British occultist. He is primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a ceremonial magic order of which offshoots still exist today.

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