March 22, 2013
How beautiful is this? Christo’s Big Air Package, a ginormous piece in the Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany, and the artist’s first major project sans partner in life, Jeanne-Claude, who died in 2009. As the blurb puts it, at 90 meters high, with a...

How beautiful is this? Christo’s Big Air Package, a ginormous piece in the Gasometer Oberhausen, Germany, and the artist’s first major project sans partner in life, Jeanne-Claude, who died in 2009. As the blurb puts it, at 90 meters high, with a diameter of 50 meters and a volume of 177,000 cubic meters, “the work of art is the largest ever inflated envelope without a skeleton.” I die.

Photo: Wolfgang Volz © 2013 Christo

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