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Update: JuJuSeed and Empyreankosmo say that there will be two episodes that introduce Wan was the first Avatar. To that I still wonder, how? How do we just throw two backstory episodes into a narrative that’s trucking along? What do we think will be...

Update: JuJuSeed and Empyreankosmo say that there will be two episodes that introduce Wan was the first Avatar. To that I still wonder, how? How do we just throw two backstory episodes into a narrative that’s trucking along? What do we think will be the segue that allows for the main storyline to take a two episode break?

Book 2 will introduce the very first Avatar, Wan. He’ll be voiced by Walking Dead actor Steven Yeun.

Here is my big question: How do we get there? Flashbacks were a big part of Book 1, but they were born out of the narrative. Aang was communicating with Korra. I would suspect that, if we see flashbacks, it would be Wan needing to make contact. No willy nilly jumping backwards in Legend of Korra.

Here’s my real theory: We meet Wan in the spirit world. The background of this picture is what clinches it for me. The surreal shapes of trees and the colors of the sky…. has to be the spirit world. Right?

That is just my (Patches) thinking. Let the theories fly. How is Wan going to figure in to Korra’s Book 2 adventure?

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  4. damiyr answered: I read in article that Wan’s story was going to be told with different animation styles based on very very early eastern Chinese art
  5. holynebulabatman answered: It was mentioned in some of the posts that revealed Wan was the first Avatar that he’ll be the star of two particular episodes during Book 2
  6. jujuseed answered: There’s gonna be two ‘special episodes’ about the origin of the avatar smack in the middle of the season, so I suppose we meet him there!