November 5, 2013
“ A few human Raava concept sketches for the Beginnings AU with Kyonz!
Shortly after Raava begins traveling with Wan, she adopts a human form to better understand the way of the humans. Her initial appearance is older, but she de-ages as...


A few human Raava concept sketches for the Beginnings AU with Kyonz!

Shortly after Raava begins traveling with Wan, she adopts a human form to better understand the way of the humans. Her initial appearance is older, but she de-ages as she grows weaker from Vaatu’s increasing power.

I designed Raava, but in all the time we worked on those episodes I never once thought of how she might look as a human. So it was a delight to see the flood of anthropomorphized fanart once the “Beginnings” episodes aired. In hindsight, it makes sense that people would imagine that, especially hearing her very-human voice, but for me she was always a kite-squid-spirit thing.

Of all the cool and amusing human interpretations of her and Vaatu, this is one of my favorites so far. Exquisite drawings. And I love the idea that she grows younger as her power wanes!

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