Creator of 'Biff the Vampire'
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Cosmic Quarantine [07.05.2021 to 09.16.2021]
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- HB, 4H Pencil and Colored Pencils on Scratch paper as part of Drawlloween 2020. [Link]
- Inked in Autodesk Sketchbook.
- Colors, background and effects done in Fireworks.

Cosmic Quarantine [07.05.2021 to 09.16.2021]
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- HB, 4H Pencil and Colored Pencils on Scratch paper as part of Drawlloween 2020. [Link]
- Inked in Autodesk Sketchbook.
- Colors, background and effects done in Fireworks.


8 notes
  1. frank-bennedetto reblogged this from toastlogic
  2. toastlogic reblogged this from propheka
  3. propheteka reblogged this from propheka and added:
    Ha HA! I forgot to reblog this to my main account. -.- Anyhoo! This was a fun one but a bit of a beast, too. The reason...
  4. propheka posted this