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“ C’mon, someone had to do a Yeezus + Comics.
Lyrics: “I Am A God” (Feat. God)
Art: Neal Adams


C’mon, someone had to do a Yeezus + Comics.

Lyrics: “I Am A God” (Feat. God)

Art: Neal Adams

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  6. getoutofmyhouse reblogged this from kanyepluscomics and added:
  7. esosique reblogged this from kanyepluscomics and added:
    I’m loving having a new Kanye CD if just for more of these.
  8. chocolate-american reblogged this from kanyepluscomics and added:
    Of course Lex Luthor bumps that #Yeezus mid caper.
  9. mordicaifeed reblogged this from thechrishaley and added:
    Kanye took 40 croissants. That’s as many as four tens!
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