1. http://bonus.kottke.org/post/62919807434/stephen-hawkings-party-for-time-travellers


    Steven Hawking came up with a simple and clever way of seeing if time travel is possible. On June 28, 2009, he threw a party for time travellers from the future…but didn’t advertise it until after the party was already over.

    In an effort to improve the chances of the party invite being…

    I so want one of those posters.

    (via jkottke)

    1. royalbacon reblogged this from jkottke and added:
      I so want one of those posters.
    2. nowordsforthis reblogged this from jkottke
    3. maggiemorrow reblogged this from jkottke
    4. hobbitsizedbadass reblogged this from jkottke
    5. tom-mcgee reblogged this from jkottke and added:
      I want one of the posters. Or, I will want one of the posters.
    6. jkottke posted this
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