Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme







horses made me transgender

Story time to explain this

-there’s a horse where I work named Lucy who HATES men

-like “bite your face off” levels of hate

-enter me, who’s been having gender thoughts but not really realizing what that means

-I’d been avoiding Lucy because I quite like having my face not bitten off thank you

-Then one day I forget that she hates men and I go into her stall with her to clean out the poo

-She Doesent Hate me but I don’t think anything about it because I don’t remember that she’s sexist

-Someone walks by and comments on how she never lets any men in there

-“ha ha weird”

-internally I’m screaming “holy shit holy shit holy shit”

-thoughts that I’ve been having suddenly start to make sense

and that’s how I realized I was a girl

Assigned female at barn

assigned horse girl

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