1. Japanese ‘Infidelity Phones’ gain popularity.
Fujitsu's "uwaki keitai" or “infidelity phone” hides the users call logs, text, emails, and other sensitive information. Privacy mode can be turned on and off with a secret combination of keys. When...

    Japanese ‘Infidelity Phones’ gain popularity.

    Fujitsu's "uwaki keitai" or “infidelity phone” hides the users call logs, text, emails, and other sensitive information. Privacy mode can be turned on and off with a secret combination of keys. When activated, any contact designated as private won’t show up as an obvious incoming call or text, instead with a subtle change in the color or shape of the battery icon or antenna bars being the only sign of communication.

    “Women may want to check my phone for strange emails or calls when I’m not around. With Fujitsu’s 'privacy mode,’ they can’t see that information at all. The key is to give off the impression that you’re not locking your phone at all.” says one fan of the phones.

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