“ Believe in Yourself
Never a truer word has been spoken.
Trigger Warning: Surgery, Hospitalisation
It’s taken me a long time to be able to believe in myself. But I’m slowly getting there. The amount of trauma my body has been...


Believe in Yourself 

Never a truer word has been spoken. 

Trigger Warning: Surgery, Hospitalisation

It’s taken me a long time to be able to believe in myself. But I’m slowly getting there. The amount of trauma my body has been through including 5 major operations and counting, numerous hospital trips and hospitalisations, chronic illness, disabling conditions… Yet despite all this, it’s come out fighting… It’s a little worse for wear… But it carries on and proves to me that I should have faith in my abilities despite everything that holds me back. 

It proves to me that I can do anything!

So to everyone on SHYB - Believe in Yourself!



Moi ^_^

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    Moi ^_^
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