.:HoA Presents!:.

"Serious Comics Served Fresh"

Assorted rantings, ravings & various other nifty bits from some guy called Erik Amill.

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(Status Reports)
Proph on Twitter Proph on Facebook Email Me
Proph on devArt Support Us on Patreon Visit my comic - Biff the Vampire

(About the author)
Creator of Biff the Vampire.
User of short sentences.
Doodler of furry things.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

(Twitter Updates)

  • ([ The Granddaddy of All Contact Lists ])

    Here’s something I have been meaning to do: Drop my actual listing of websites, archives and various other ways for folks to contact me someplace online so I can simply point to it and go “See! I’m not completely anti-social!”
    Fear not, I will update this as it changes.

    [Last Edited: 08.25.2023]

    House of Amill (Main) - http://www.ProphEKA.com/
    Biff the Vampire (Comic) - http://www.SillyVamp.com/
    Tumblr - http://propheteka.tumblr.com/
    -> Art-Only - http://propheka.tumblr.com/
    -> Build Blog - http://prophbuilds.tumblr.com/

    Art Archives:
    Most Active
    deviantArt - http://propheteka.deviantart.com/
    FurAffinity - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/propheteka/
    Furry Network - https://furrynetwork.com/propheteka/
    InkBunny - http://inkbunny.net/ProphetEKA
    InkBlot - https://inkblot.art/profile/ProphetEKA
    Side 7 - https://www.side7.com/u/ProphetEKA/profile
    Weasyl - https://www.weasyl.com/profile/propheteka
    Least Active
    Artfol - ProphetEKA
    Buzzly - https://buzzly.art/~ProphetEKA
    Pixiv - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6317214

    Shops & Ways to Show Love:
    DriveThru Comics - https://www.drivethrucomics.com/browse/pub/6528/House-of-Amill
    Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/propheteka
    -> Shop - https://ko-fi.com/propheteka/shop
    Redbubble - https://www.redbubble.com/people/ProphetEKA
    Zazzle - https://www.zazzle.com/propheteka
    -> Biff Related Merch: https://www.zazzle.com/sillyvamp
    Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ProphetEKA

    Social Sites:
    Most Active
    Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ProphetEKA
    -> Biff’s Fanpage - http://www.facebook.com/SillyVamp
    Instagram (General Items) - https://www.instagram.com/propheteka/
    -> HoA Instagram (Finished Items) - https://www.instagram.com/houseofamill/
    Mastodon - https://mastodon.social/@ProphetEKA
    -> Art-Only - https://mastodon.art/@ProphetEKA
    Twitter (X) - http://twitter.com/ProphetEKA
    -> Comic - http://twitter.com/SillyVamp
    Threads - https://www.threads.net/@propheteka
    Hive - @ProphetEKA
    Bluesky - https://bsky.app/profile/propheteka.bsky.social
    Less Active
    Cohost - https://cohost.org/ProphetEKA
    LiveJournal - https://propheteka.livejournal.com/
    MySpace - https://myspace.com/propheteka
    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@propheteka

    IM Screen Names/Profiles:
    AIM - ProphEKA (RIP!)
    Discord - ProphetEKA#2642
    Skype - propheteka (Warning: Thanks to unknown issues, Skype may or may not have me listed as “Online” while I’m away from my system.)

    Game-Related IDs:
    3DS Friendcode: 1736-1270-4955
    Battle.net - ProphetEKA#1548
    PSN - ProphetEKA
    Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/ProphetEKA
    XBox Live - ProphetEKA
    Bungie Name - ProphetEKA#2318

    General Contacts:
    Good ol’ email - e.amill@Gmail.com

    Tumblr - http://propheteka.tumblr.com/ask
    -> Alt. Ask via Submit - http://propheteka.tumblr.com/submit
    Curious Cat - https://curiouscat.me/ProphetEKA

    Dig it.


  • Posted 14 years ago on 04.07.2010 @ 07:52pm + [9 Notes] + 0 Comments
    \\me/\contact list//

    1. propheteka reblogged this from propheteka and added:
      Alrighty! I’ve updated it with as much current info as I could. We’ve got a few new archives, a couple of new and old...