Install this theme
  • Vampire:

    Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?

  • Werewolf:

    If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?

  • Witch:

    If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

  • Ghost:

    Do you have any regrets?

  • Frankenstein:

    Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?

  • Mummy:

    If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?

  • Zombie:

    Do you miss anyone right now?

  • Faerie:

    If you could get away with anything, what would you do?

  • Nymph:

    What are you like when you’re by yourself?

  • Mermaid:

    How far would you go to keep the one you love?

  • Shapeshifter:

    What would you change about yourself?

  • Banshee:

    If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?

  • Siren:

    If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?

  • Genie:

    If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?

  • Fury:

    What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear?

  • Incubus:

    What would someone have to do to get in your pants?

  • Succubus:

    What’s one thing you can’t live without?

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