August 31, 2014
“ time-is-a-many-splendored-thing:
“ douglasmurphy:
“ rainbowcoffin:
“ c-h-0-w:
“ nightwife:
“ Always reblog
well he really should have worn more protective clothing if he didn’t want that to happen
sounds to me...







Always reblog


well he really should have worn more protective clothing if he didn’t want that to happen
sounds to me like he was asking for it

Are we really sure he was actually shot and decapitated? Idk, sounds like something he would’ve made up. Guys make false decapitation accusations all the time, you know. 

If he didn’t want to be decapitated, he shouldn’t have worn a shirt that showed off his neck

If it’s a legitimate decapitation, the male body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down

(via meconiumaspiration194)

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