July 27, 2014





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I recommend subscribing to buzzfeed on YouTube.

I would not, unless you’re a moronic Tumblr!Feminist SJW.

Look who’s having a bad day, I’m not a “moronic Tumblr Feminist” I thought it was interesting. Nor am I involved in Tumblr Feminism, I’m just here blogging like everyone else and I havent got a clue what an SJW is. So get out of your feelings and pipe the fuck down.

You thought I was talking about you? It’s Buzzfeed who’s unfit for people with critical thinking.

SJW stands for Social Justice Warriors, who ironically can’t be bothered to give a shit about real Social Justice and only use it as a crutch for hate.

Buzzfeed isn’t as bad a SJW site as, say, Jezebel (where women boast about domestic abuse they inflict on men - no joke) but they’re certainly no slouch in that department - see the montage at the top where they play their own pity party in absolute.

(via meannomean)

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