Verily, You Were Not That Great of a Door Either









The party, pointing to an NPC that the DM never intended to be a recurring character: That’s My Child Now


@caffeinatedwriters Now you gotta write them a quest where they get the chance to bring him back!!

The first dungeon-boss that my group was meant to just quickly kill at the end of their very first session, they saved from death. Repeatedly. She’s now a reoccurring character who despite the fact that she is defs evil and showing no signs of redemption (yet) they keep. Saving?? So I guess I’d better write a redemption arc?

I love your players so much. I’m imagining Local Villain turning good mainly out of confusion because why they save me tho????

We’ve adopted our first small villain to the party as a DMPC.
During the interrogation he suddenly bursts into tears, says the villaining was his last desperate try to unfuck his life and now we can do whatever we want with him, cause he’s done. He’s out of ideas and his life is still fucked up.
The whole party went all “aaaaww there there pat pat poor thing” and now he’s our token pretty boy and an in-game DM’s snarky voice.

We found a 20 ft cube of gelatinous acid in the underdark. He wanted to see sunlight. He was perfect. So he became part of our party. He’s slow so he always follows behind us and every now and again he has a few new skeletons inside of him of the fools that tried to sneak up behind us. He’s my favorite.

I love this. I support you and your sun-loving acid dog

The NPC I fell in love with was this older woman named Nora who was a blood Hunter.

My character latched on to her.

She died in the first session (accidentally)

But it devastated me. I ended up getting a scroll of resurrection and brought her back (without consulting the other party members too heavily)

My DM re-wrote her as an important NPC and she ended up being my characters biological mother and it was an amazing story arc. I could yell about this forever but I don’t want to clog up this post.