May 14, 2019

@folkpunkarchivist did a write up on issue 7.

#Repost @folkpunkarchivist with @get_repost


I alluded to this comic a couple days ago and wanted to do a proper post about it.

This is issue #7 of indie comic Li'l Depressed Boy, featuring a plotline to go see an AJJ concert. For those interested, this plotline is from 2011, right as Knife Man is being released.

The comic was put out on Image Comics by S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace, and as I mentioned before, featured a lot of cool music cameos, but naturally (for me) this one was the best. An entire multi-issue plot revolving around a road trip to get to an AJJ show. Without spoiling too much, it’s about all the real life stuff that seems to magically drift away once you finally get to the show, a feeling that plenty of us can relate to.

The comic has been on hiatus for a couple years but I still hold out hope that it will come back some day. Until then, I still enjoy going back and reading the old issues.

@depressedboy @sinagrace @ajjtheband

#lildepressedboy #ajj #imagecomics #comics #comic #indiecomics #folkpunk #crossover

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