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This 16 year old girl tells her horror story in this video of how she was sold by her own criminal father to Terrorists for so-called “Jihad” sex, where she was kept in her room and repeatedly raped by the Al Nusra terrorists members until losing consciousness while her father collected money, and at the same time tried to convince her she was doing good for God and would go to heaven for her service, this abuse continuing until the Syrian Arab Army arrived and her father and the rest of the Terrorists fled to another Village and her mother and siblings returned to the house, which upon telling her mother what had happened to her, the mother told her never to tell anyone or she would hit or kill her ..

The mother would visit the father in the Village he was hiding in when he called her, with the girl adding that her mother would always shower upon returning from the visits, which led her to believe her mother was also being used for so-called “Jihad” sex, until the father called one day and asked the mother to bring the daughter to him, the girl having no choice went with the mother, however when they were stopped at a Syrian Military Checkpoint, she raised the alarm telling the Soldiers what her parents were using her for, and asked for their protection

So to all the Syrian people out there that support this so called “revolution for freedom” and I congratulate them for their achievements, and i would tell them; well done for destroying our country that we live in and protect NOT YOU, you filthy people destroyed our country and sold our girls and women to those filthy terrorists, personally i would never accept this to happen even if I was opposing the government of Syria.

Soldier of the Syrian Arab Army, the shield of Syria, the protectors of the Syrian people we thank you for everything you are sacrificing to defend this land.

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