あべこべな世界で逆立ちすると何が見える? — 2018.02.28【英日対訳】女性が "#MeToo"...

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In Patriarchal Japan, Saying ‘Me Too’ Can Be Risky for Women (女性が “#MeToo” を訴えることに高い代償が伴う日本の男社会)

Associated Press

Last updated: Februrary 28, 2018


TOKYO - Japanese women who say “Me too” do so at their own risk.

(東京 28日 AP)日本では" #MeToo “を訴える女性は、自己責任においてそれを行うことを求められる。

Online comments accused Rika Shiiki of lying and being a publicity hound when she tweeted that she lost business contracts after refusing to have sex with clients. Some said that by agreeing to dine with a man, she led him on.


"The comments I received were disproportionately negative,” the 20-year-old university student and entrepreneur told a TV talk show in December. “We need to create a society where we can speak up. Otherwise sexual harassment and other misconduct will persist forever.”




The #MeToo movement has not caught on in Japan, where speaking out often draws criticism rather than sympathy, even from other women.

声を上げることが(同性の女性からも)共感よりも批判を呼ぶ日本では、#MeToo はまだ、ムーヴメントの域に達していない。

In a patriarchal society where women have long taken the blame, many victims try to forget attacks and harassment instead of seeking support and justice, said Mari Miura, a political science professor at Sophia University in Tokyo.



“Japan lacks such a sisterhood,” she said. “It’s an exhausting and intimidating process. … It’s quite natural that victims feel reluctant to speak up.”

「日本には”シスターフッド”[※] という概念がありません。とても時間のかかる、抑圧的ななプロセスを通らなくはならないから……被害者は自然と、声を上げることを躊躇するようになります」


One woman, journalist Shiori Ito, went public last year. She held a news conference after prosecutors decided not to press charges against a prominent TV newsman whom she had accused of raping her after he invited her to discuss job opportunities over dinner and drinks in 2015.


Many online comments criticized her for speaking out, looking too seductive and ruining the life of a prominent figure. Some women called her an embarrassment, she told The Associated Press.


The October release of Ito’s book “Blackbox” detailing her ordeal came as the #MeToo phenomenon was making headlines in America. It prompted some discussion in Japan, but only a handful of other women came forward.

10月に上梓された伊藤氏の手記『Black Box』には、伊藤氏が自ら経験した屈辱的な経験が事細かに綴られている。アメリカで一大現象となった『 #MeToo 』について、日本でも議論が巻き起こったが、声を上げた女性はほんの一握りだった。

“Many people think Shiori’s problem has nothing to do with them … and that’s why #MeToo isn’t growing in Japan,” said lawyer Yukiko Tsunoda, an expert on sex crimes. In Japan, sexually assaulted women are traditionally called “the flawed,” she said.

「多くの人は詩織さんの問題は自分と関係ないと思っています。日本で #MeToo が広がらない理由はそこにあります」



Nearly three quarters of rape victims said they had never told anyone, and just over 4 percent had gone to police, according to a 2015 government survey. The study found that one in 15 Japanese women had been raped or forced to have sex.

2015年に政府 [訳注: 内閣府男女共同参画局] が行った世論調査によると、日本のレイプ被害者のおよそ75パーセントが誰にも打ち明けたことがなく、警察に通報したのは4パーセントを少し上回る程度だという。また調査では、日本女性の15人に1人がレイプされた、あるいは強制的に性交されたことがあることが判明した。


Victims often shy away from going to court out of fear, privacy concerns or losing jobs, Tsunoda said.


Justice Ministry statistics show only one-third of rape cases go to court, and punishment is not severe. Of the 1,678 people tried for sexual assault in 2017, only 285, or 17 percent, were sentenced to prison for three years or longer. In November, Yokohama prosecutors, without saying why, dropped the case against six students from a leading university who had been arrested for the alleged gang-rape of a teenage female student after getting her drunk. The university expelled three of them.

法務省の統計によると、レイプ事件で起訴に至るケースはおよそ三割程度で、いずれも軽い処罰で済まされているという。2017年に性犯罪で起訴された被告1,678人のうち、懲役3年以上の実刑判決を受けたのは285人(約17%)に留まった。未成年の女子学生に飲酒させて集団レイプしたとして書類送検されていた某一流大学 [訳注: 慶應義塾大学] の学生6人について、横浜地検は11月、理由を明示することなく不起訴処分とした。大学側はそのうち4人を停学処分にしている。

Popular writer Haruka Ito, who goes by the pen name Ha-Chu, was criticized after revealing in December that she had faced sexual and other harassment by a senior male employee when both worked at Dentsu, Japan’s largest advertising agency.


The alleged harasser, whom she identified by name, apologized in a statement and quit as head of his own company, though he denied the harassment was sexual.

名前を公表されたセクハラ加害者の男性 [訳注: 元同社エグゼクティブ・クリエーティブ・ディレクターで株式会社「刻キタル」の元代表取締役である岸勇希氏] は、正式に謝罪を表明し、自社の代表取締役の職を退いたが、ハラスメント行為が性的であった点については否定した [訳注: 原文に事実誤認あり。「刻キタル」の代表取締役職を退いた岸氏が否定したのは、自宅に伊藤氏を呼びつけた後で「性的な関係を要求したこと」であり、”ハラスメントが性的であったか否か (harassment was sexual) ”の点ではない。(参考) ] 。

Ha-chu said in a statement that she initially tried to endure and forget the ordeal, fearing that exposing it would hurt her image and cause problems for her former colleagues. After news of the journalist Ito’s case and the #MeToo movement, “I decided to speak out,” she said.

「はあちゅう」氏は声明で、その忌まわしい体験を暴露することで自身のイメージが傷つくことや、元同僚たちに迷惑をかけることを恐れ、我慢して、忘れようとしていたことを明らかにした上で、ジャーナリストの伊藤氏の事件がニュースになり、 #MeToo 運動が起こっていることを受けて、公表することを決意したと述べている。

Conformist pressure in Japan discourages women from speaking out or saying “no” to many things, including unwanted sex, said Saori Ikeuchi, a former lawmaker and gender diversity activist.


That mindset has silenced virtually all of Japan’s so-called “comfort women,” who were sexually abused as prostitutes for the wartime military, while Japan has shown little sympathy to victims from Korea and elsewhere, she said.


Ito, the journalist, said that after she became dizzy and passed out in a restroom, her alleged attacker, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, took her to his hotel room and raped her while she was incapacitated.

ジャーナリストの伊藤氏は、気分が悪くなりトイレで意識を失った後に、加害行為を働いたといわれる山口敬之氏のホテルの一室に連れていかれ、抗拒不能[※]の状態のうちにレイプされたのだと主張する。[※「抗拒不能」とは、” 刑法で、心神喪失ではなく、身体的または心理的に抵抗することが著しく困難な状態。例えば、手足を縛られている、酩酊している、高度の恐怖・驚愕・錯誤に陥っているため、意思決定の自由を奪われている状態をいう(大辞泉) ]

The alleged assault was just the beginning of her ordeal, Ito said. The women’s clinic she visited the next day lacked expertise on rape, and a rape victim support center refused to give her advice on the phone. Police required her to recount the ordeal repeatedly and to demonstrate it with a life-sized doll, she said.

ところが、彼女が受けた暴行は彼女がその後味わうことになる苦難の序章に過ぎなかった。翌日訪ねた産婦人科は、レイプに対する専門的知識や配慮に欠け、レイプ被害者の救援センターは、電話越しに助言することを拒否した。 [訳注: 当時詩織さんの相談を受けた「SARC・東京」は、『Global Voices』の取材に対し、「 残念ながら [当時は] お迎えに行ったりできる体制はありませんでした。 」と、当時はその体制がなかったと不備を認めている。] 警察では、忌まわしい出来事を何度も繰り返し説明するよう求められ、等身大の人形を使って事件の再現をさせられた。

Ito said it took three weeks to get police to accept her criminal complaint and start investigating. She held a news conference in May, announcing that she had requested a court-appointed citizens’ panel to review the decision to drop the case. The inquest in September agreed with the decision not to indict.


Yamaguchi has denied any wrongdoing in published articles and on Facebook. Ito has filed a civil lawsuit against him, demanding 10 million yen ($93,000) in compensation for her suffering from the alleged rape, and seeking any clues as to why he was let go and never arrested.


“I thought about how I could change the situation, and I had no choice but to speak out about my experience,” she said.



A group of opposition lawmakers has started its own investigation, seeking to find if the charges were dropped because of Yamaguchi’s connections to powerful political officials.


National Police Agency official Junichiro Kan told the lawmakers at a recent hearing that Ito’s case was properly handled. Police say they have tried to be more sensitive to the feelings of victims while guarding against wrongful accusations.


Mika Kobayashi, a rape victim, runs a self-help group that has exchanged thousands of #MeToo experiences, but only anonymously among themselves.

自身もレイプ被害者である小林美佳氏は、自助グループを運営している。このグループでは、何千もの“ #MeToo ”体験が匿名で共有されている。


Mika Kobayashi, who heads a support group for sexual assault victims based on her own experience as a victim in 2000, speaks during an interview in Tokyo, Dec. 25, 2017.


She said she was pushed into a car and raped on her way home in 2000. She reported the attack to police, but the attacker hasn’t been found. She has since published books about her recovery from the ordeal, to raise public awareness.


Her focus is on providing support and understanding for victims, rather than being an activist.


“I used to think of myself as someone hiding a big secret, a sex assault victim and unclean,” she said. “I’m so grateful I could connect with fellow victims. They gave me strength.”


The knowledge that others also blamed themselves and lost self-esteem has helped her to heal slowly, Kobayashi said.


“I think it’s also OK not to speak up,” she said. “I respect any decision that makes a victim feel most comfortable.”


伊藤詩織 はあちゅう 小林美佳 椎木里香 セクハラ metoo 性暴力 性的暴行 性犯罪被害者 性暴力被害者 wetoo レイプ 抗拒不能 強制性交 blackbox 山口敬之 準強姦 不起訴 AP通信

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