October 2, 2014
One might think that because Flotsam and Jetsam are entities with their own agency, that their actions are not the responsibility of their employer. We do not know Danish law on this subject, but if the actions took place in the United States...

One might think that because Flotsam and Jetsam are entities with their own agency, that their actions are not the responsibility of their employer. We do not know Danish law on this subject, but if the actions took place in the United States (unlikely, as we have no monarchy) then Ursula, as the employer of Flotsam and Jetsam, would face liability for actions they undertook in the furtherance of their employment under the doctrine of respondeat superior

In other words, if they tipped over the boat while on the job, or at their employer’s request, then she would be liable for their actions and the repercussions thereof. 

(We also want to note that Ursula engaged in slut-shaming of Ariel after watching Flotsam and Jetsam tip the boat. As Ursula seemed to be alone, she was not engaging in defamation, as someone has to hear the defamatory remarks for it to constitute slander. However, had anyone been there, Ariel could have had a claim against Ursula for defamation.)

(via morganmuffle)

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