In Chapter 38 of The Bubble Gum Thief, Dagny Gray... |

High-resIn Chapter 38 of The Bubble Gum Thief, Dagny Gray wakes up in the field at the Del Ray YMCA in Alexandria. This is the same ball field where a mad man fired upon Congressmen, staffers, and officers today. My girlfriend (now wife) and I used to go the...

In Chapter 38 of The Bubble Gum Thief, Dagny Gray wakes up in the field at the Del Ray YMCA in Alexandria. This is the same ball field where a mad man fired upon Congressmen, staffers, and officers today. My girlfriend (now wife) and I used to go the that Y, and we crossed through these fields regularly. She lived two blocks from the YMCA. I gave Dagny a home just down the street because I knew and loved the neighborhood. You won’t find any other neighborhood this unbelievably quaint so close to D.C.–it has a real small town feel, even though it’s very close to the Metro and a stone’s throw from Old Town.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of today’s attack, and the neighborhood that had to witness it.

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    1. jeffmillerwrites posted this
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