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“ Mister Freedom Indigo “Boro” Tie
Boro is a Japanese term describing patched up textiles. Repairing and patching was a necessity in early Japan, when new fabric was scarce and expensive.
A garment may have had many lives, often...


Mister Freedom Indigo “Boro” Tie

Boro is a Japanese term describing patched up textiles. Repairing and patching was a necessity in early Japan, when new fabric was scarce and expensive.
A garment may have had many lives, often ending up in small pieces to repair a futon cover, monpei pants, yukatafuroshiki
I came across some original folk indigo boro  in the early 1990′s, while in Japan, and have been an admirer since then. Although not originally done for aesthetic reasons, some surviving examples are to me Folk Art at its best.

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