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To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri/الي عائلة سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،، /

الي عائلة سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،، / To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri
 السلام عليكم
    الي عايله سلطان عبدالله عسيري ،،
    هدا الابن عار علي هذه العايله. في عام ٢٠٠٩ شهر ٥ كان سلطان يدرس في الجامعه وخلال هده الفتره رزقه الله بمولود وهدا سهل جدا اثباته عن طريق الطب المتقدم والتحاليل. وعندما ولد ابنه يوسف قال انه سوف يتكفل بمصاريفه وسجلاته …الخ. ولكن للاسف لم يوفي بوعده. لان يوسف سوف يكمل ٣ اعوام بعد شهر. في الواقع يوسف بشوش الوجه وطفل جميل ومليئ بالسعاده. سلطان هو من اختار هدا الاسم لابنه ليحمل اسم العايله. وللمعلوميه ان النيه في داخلي ليست طمع في سلطان للزواج به لان هدا سوف يكون ضار علي ابنه يوسف. وانا سالت وطلبت السجلات الصحيه لابني يوسف. وحاولت ان احصل علي هده المعلومات من سلطان ولكن لم استطع. وانا علي استعداد ان اتواصل معاكم في هدا الشآن. الرجاء الاتصال بي
 Joseph - يوسفimage
 Joseph - يوسف
 سلطان & يوسف - Sultan & Joseph
سلطان -Sultan
Comment from Sultan to Joseph - تعليق من سلطان الي يوسف
 I was and still suffer from studying and homework..
I wish you a wonderful and enjoyable life, my life is very difficult, and still very difficult, all the decisions that I have made were so difficult, non was simple. But, I love you and I love your mother, and I wish you all a wonderful life.” 
Written by Sultan Abdullah Asiri
(English Translation)
To the Family of Sultan Abdullah Asiri who reside in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
This letter is to inform you of the actions of your son Sultan Abdullah Asiri has and still continues to shame your family name.  In may 2009 while Sultan was studying at the University Of Findlay, he fathered a son. This can easily be proven with DNA.When Joseph was born he said he would always help financially and he would make available his medical records. To date he has done neither of those things. 

  Joseph will be 3 years old in May, he is a bright wonderful child that is so full of happiness. My beloved husband has chose to raise Joseph as his child and Joseph has taken his last name. Please know my intent is not to marry your son or have him be a father in any way that would be detrimental to the child. I do ask for any medical records that are relevant to my sons health be available. All attempts to get this information from Sultan have been exhausted. I am willing to communicate with you on this matter, Please contact me at

Thank you. 
If anyone can help get this letter to Sultan Asiri or his family it would be greatly appreciated as he continues to ignore the mother of his son, pretending that they do not exist.

UPDATE. 11/07/2012

I have learned so much in the past year, the ups and downs have been enough to try anyone’s patience but through all the hardships I have found the most amazing people. They have been my saving grace during this difficult time. The family we have created and the bonds we share will last a lifetime.

Our numbers seem to keep growing and yet the Saudi Govt. is yet to take any action in disciplining their own people when they study abroad. The young and old men in our website still continue to live their life as if they were proper Muslim men marring virgin wives. The word whore is often used to describe the women effected. Family’s of these men ( Sultan Asiri’s family as well) when they are informed about their sons behaviour have a reaction that baffles us in the west. Pretending the problem does not exist seems to be the way some Saudis deal with a problem that is staring them in the face.

The majority of the women and adult children are Muslim and are raising their children alone. My dilemma there is with my own son is the fact that my sons father uses Islam as his excuse for his neglect and total abandonment of his son. How as a mother can I raise my son Muslim when his own father says that is why he hates his son? Why would I raise my son to ever believe that actions like that are acceptable because he is a male muslim? How can he pray to Allah and beg him to know his father while his father is praying that he never has to hear the name Joseph Martin or Jenniffer ever again. My son deserves better than that.

A Note To Sultan Abdullah Asiri.
I try to think back to a time when you and I were inseparable, up all night just talking about anything and everything that would pop in our heads. Hanging out with Fahad, Falah, and Tareq laughing so hard we thought we would die. You were in love with me and I you.
When I became pregnant you insisted I kill our child if I wanted to keep you you then showed me how important I truly was by sleeping with every girl you met and telling them you never knew me and you have no children. In the beginning people believed your lies and tall tales……then they get a look at your son and they all immediately know that you were a stone cold liar. Your defence was so unoriginal and comical….”o ya I know her she is crazy she says every saudi is the dad” REALLY??? First off look in a mirror and you will see what Saudi is the daddy. Second you KNOW you were the only man I was intimate with!! I was madly in love with you. I remember a time you lost your scholarship and were broke and homeless, I was struggling to put food on the table for my children and I took you into my home paid your bills washed your clothes and fed you. How is the favour repaid? You get your scholarship back after 8 months of living off me and my family and you go out and spend 3,000 dollars on a big screen tv for your new party pad while I have to get on welfare just to feed and clothe our son. I begged you for 10 dollars for diaper s and you flew into a rage saying you whore you only got pregnant so you can have my money, I tell you what let me send you a bill of money spent on Joseph thus far and see if the thousands of dollars I spent and the 0$ you gave seem logical at all.
When I created the website I hadn’t heard from you in months, when you found out about the website you broke into my house and hacked my computer with a key-logger and stole Joseph birth record. I had often wondered why you stole Josephs birth record? A few weeks ago I got my answer when you sent me the e mail with a picture of Josephs birth record saying I am a liar because your name was not on the birth record and my husbands name was put on file as his father. Sultan you know why I didn’t want your name on his birth record.
Now I can explain to the readers as to why.
I didn’t want Sultans name on the official birth record first and foremost he threatened if I did he would kidnap Joseph and I would never see him again (RED FLAG) With all the international child custody horror stories out there I refuse to ever give him access to my son when he is threatening to take him if I put his name on file or tell anyone that he is the father. Then there is the issue that Sultan did not want anything to do with his son, why on earth would I put his name down….Sultan does not deserve the honour of being listed as a father he is clearly not father or husband material. When I was presented with the fact that my husband could adopt Joseph and be put on his birth record I jumped on it. My husband who wants to be a father and loves every second he spends with his little arab prince deserved to adopt Joseph and be legally considered his FATHER. The safety and well-being of my son is to important to have a mad man listed as his dad. The day is coming where Sultan will be forced to do a DNA test and no amount of scheming lying and hiding will help. I look forward to the day I can post the results.

Just by some small miracle you are secretly wondering about how Joseph is doing in past couple of years……
Sultan he is still so short….he is going to have a little man complex….sound familiar?
His favourite colour is green and he loves to watch Yo-Gabba_Gabba & Pocoyo.
He loves spaghetti and pizza and can eat as much as a grown man. Sleeping with his blue blanket and pillow I made him for Christmas is a funny event every night. You would be so proud of how smart he is he can count all the way to a thousand and knows how to count by two’s threes excreta. Scary smart!! He loves to sing and dance to every day often on the black coffee table you left in my house. The sensitivity to clothes you had as a boy he shares, nothing scratchy on him or he will just strip all his clothes off ..even in public :)
Joseph is the poster child for cuteness. I do feel bad that you will never know what a light he is in this dark world. You will never know what it feels like to feel the world crashing down on you and have those small hands wrap around you in a hug and seeing the eyes of an angel looking back at you while he smothers you in kisses making all the troubles melt away. You have no idea what you have lost, the feeling of happiness you always wanted are not wasted on Matt, who is teaching Joey to be a little man. We get to see the child you refuse to and you have nothing to show of your life. I hope you will contact me about Joseph. Open your heart to the one person in your entire life who will want to know about you. He is your son…..please don’t have hate in your soul for an innocent child who did nothing wrong but have us as his parents.
