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“ So what is the real story behind this WHO report about cell phones causing cancer? Over at BoingBoing, we are reminded that this kind of story is one about context. The context being that health researchers use different vocabulary...


So what is the real story behind this WHO report about cell phones causing cancer? Over at BoingBoing, we are reminded that this kind of story is one about context. The context being that health researchers use different vocabulary than the rest of us.

WHO’s international cancer research arm (IARC) placed mobile phone usage into a category filled with “possibly” and “could”. Basically, there is limited evidence that two cancer types could be linked to mobile phone usage, and inadequate evidence to even guess about other cancer types. It’s not saying that evidence won’t arise one day that confidently links mobile phone usage to cancers, but it doesn’t mean they won’t turn out to be harmless (at least to your health).

If you are looking for a grain of salt to take this with, other things in the same low-tier “carcinogen watchlist” level include dry cleaning, carpentry, and Asian pickled vegetables. Besides, isn’t everyone texting now? 

(via The World Health Organization, cell phones, and cancer—what’s actually going on)

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  12. certainsublimestarlight said: Thanks for this! I was going to post something about the WHO report. Now I have something to continue it on and put it in perspective!
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