
President Obama visits The Globe

US President Barack Obama visited us today, as we mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death this weekend. The President was welcomed into the Globe Theatre by the cast of Hamlet, home from their two-year tour to 197 countries.

The Hamlet company performed a selection of scenes from the production for the President. The company have returned home for the weekend for four final performances, having travelled over 300,000 km and played 293 performances at 202 venues in 197 countries.

Dominic Dromgoole, our Artistic Director: 

“At the end of an extraordinary journey all around the world, it is great to return home to the Globe, and to be able to perform a few scenes and to be welcomed home by President Barack Obama. The spirit of ‘Yes we can’ has informed the entire tour, and it’s an honour to meet the man who coined the phrase, and who exemplifies its spirit.”

Image credits: Pete Le May

Discover more about Globe to Globe Hamlet.


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