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Name of fic: Knowing Me, Knowing You

Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC (Tao/Maya)

Plot summary: Taking place after the movie, the gang (except Roque and Pooch) go to China and they meet Tao (who is a friend of Aisha’s) in Tianjin, which is her hometown. She tries to help them with defeating Max once and for all but she cannot leave Tianjin…

Warnings: Foul language, moderate violence, mentions of sex trafficking and abuse, sexual themes and smut.

Used quote from the movie: “Liking the angle of the dangle?”

Author’s note: This is part of my ABBA song masterlist. It is inspired by the song Knowing Me, Knowing You by ABBA (of course) and the faceclaim for Tao/Maya is Pom Klementieff (who plays Mantis in the MCU). Enjoy!


Chapter 1

The gang (consisting of Clay, Jensen, Cougar and Aisha) were in an empty bar after helping Pooch get to the hospital, in time for the birth of his newborn son.

“4 glasses of your finest whisky please.” Clay asked the bartender, leaning into Aisha and wrapping his arm around her.

The bartender nodded.

“Make that 5 glasses, Zhou. Xièxiè (thank you).” A female voice was heard from the counter.

The clicking of some heels added rhythm to the soft music that played onward without pause. Her eyes scanned the room with determination in search of someone when her eyes met Jensen, she smiled. 

They all looked at her as she put the 5 glasses on a tray and go over to their table. She placed the glasses, one-by-one, and of course, the last one to get their drink was Jensen.

She then took her whisky, sitting down in their seating area.

“Can we know the name of the lovely lady who has decided to join us for a drink?” Clay smiled at her.
“Tao…” Aisha beamed at her.
“Aisha…” The woman smiled back at Aisha.

“You know her?” Clay questioned his ‘girlfriend’.

Aisha smiled at him and sipped her whisky before explained, “Gentlemen, this is Maya.”

Jensen had to look twice, maybe clean his ‘Harry Potter’ glasses inbetween looking twice. 

“This is Maya?” He asked.
“What, the Chinese agent?”
“Former agent.” Tao interrupted him.
“Aren’t you the one with those cool knife skills?” Jensen asked her again.
“Sword skills. Kind of like ‘Kill Bill’. Or samurai ninjas. Your choice.” Tao replied.

Cougar gave his respect to Tao, tipping his hat at her. She smiled back at him.

“So you know about Max?” Clay inquired Tao, tilting his head.

“Yeah. He killed my father who was part of a sex trafficking syndicate here in Tianjin. I was supposed to be part of it but I went against him, helping the children involved, escape the place.”

Tao was a beautiful Middle-Eastern woman, but only on the outside. She was highly practiced at seduction. With her looks and high cheek bones it was all too simple. Nothing so pretty could possibly harm you, right?

Well, she was a former Chinese agent. What do you think?


Tao watched as it seeped up through the joints in the floorboards and snakes out from dark corners and crevices. The blackness formed from some primeval hatred, and the collective despair of all those it’s taken before, closes in on the group, bleeding into their shadows cast by their own candlelight.

It felt as if her lungs were slowly filling with water, as if there was just less space in them for the air. Inflating them felt like pushing up a lead weight on her chest. 

Why couldn’t she breathe? Why was it so hard?

“Jensen… I can’t leave.” Tao gulped.

Jensen came up to her, not that close so she doesn’t kick him where the sun don’t shine, but close enough so only them two can talk to each other.

“What? What do you mean?”

“I can’t leave Tianjin. I don’t know why but I can feel it in my chest and in my soul that I can’t leave. I can’t help you any further.” She mumbled.

“Okay, okay… calm down Maya. Just sit down and breath in and out… slowly.” Jensen carefully touched her shoulders and slowly helped her sit down on a nearby box. 

Fortunately, she did not hit him or hurt him badly, out of self-defence.

But later on, Jensen was hit really badly by Max’s new bodyguard. Maya, even though she couldn’t leave Tianjin, left her hometown, and came to the US of A to heal Jensen.

He was currently in a supermarket, just like the last time. He was injured in the arm, but it was the same one as last time.

“I’m here. Where is he hurt?” Tao came up to where Jensen was lying and Cougar, Aisha and Clay was surrounding him. She had a first aid kit strapped to her waist.


Originally posted by captslock

“His right arm. Again.” Aisha faltered.

“What do you mean again, Aisha? Did you hurt him the last time?” Tao remarked.

“By accident!” Aisha replied.

Tao sighed as she takes out a doggy squeaky toy and passed it to Jensen. “Bite on this. This might hurt.”

A lot of blood was coming out of a hole. Tao put a lot of pressure on the wound. She put a dressing on his wound to clot and seal the wound. She checked Jensen’s heartbeat and breathing. It was quite high.

She elevated the wound above the heart to slow the breathing.

“It is a good job the bullet didn’t go all the way into your body Jensen. I’ll just be putting a pressure bandage on you for now. We will have to get you into a hospital for that wound though.” Tao explained.
“Thank you for coming, Maya. I know you’re not supposed to leave Tianjin but I appreciate you helping me.” Jensen replied.

She sighed.

“Well, to be honest, I didn’t want to but you guys need my help with Max and I wasn’t going to let my situation, no matter how bad it is, get in the way of that.” Tao stated.

Jensen took the toy out of his mouth and smiled at her.


Tao’s hotel room contained a small double bed, neatly made, two straight-backed chairs, a washstand, a bureau–without any mirror–and a small table. There were no drapery curtains at the dormer windows, no pictures on the wall.

Just then, a knock on the door.

Tao opened the door to see Jensen, outside of her door.

“Jensen. What are you doing outside my hotel room?”
“I just… wanted to thank you Maya –”

Tao crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

“Jensen. Call me Tao. Maya is just Aisha’s little nickname for me.” 

“Got it.”

A heavy silence settled over them, thicker then the uneasy tension in the atmosphere.

He’s not usually the kind of guy Tao fantasise about. For starters, he’s blonde and she’d always liked brunettes. She lusted after green eyed men with a handle on the world of business. Until she met Jensen.

“Tao…” Jensen hesitated, trying to say her name in his head over and over again. “I… I… I –”
“Yes Jensen?”
“Fine, I’ll come out with it. I like you. I really, really like you.”

Tao smiled and pulled his shirt so he could move closer to her. She then moved themselves so her back is towards the door. She turned so she could close and lock the door.

She strolled over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders and rubbing over his chest. She placed sweet kisses upon his neck, for every time she placed them there she knew she’d adored him for all time. She was on her tippy-toes.


She kept rubbing his chest, eventually putting her hands near his hips, moving his shirt up and over his head. She threw his shirt over to one of the straight-back chairs.

“Jensen. I like you too. Very, very much. And I want to show you how much I do like you…Pull your shorts down. I want to see the ‘dangle’ that Aisha has been telling me about.”

Jensen gave no time of pulling his shorts down. 


Originally posted by brucehaus

Tao was on her knees. “Naughty, naughty. Not wearing any underwear…” She smirked at him.

“Liking the angle of the dangle?” Jensen chuckled. 


Originally posted by thedoctorsshockblanket

Tao smirked once more and stood up to meet Jensen’s gaze.

“Of course I am.” Her body was pressed against his. His naked body against hers.

“Can you… erm…” Jensen trailed off as he looked down at his naked body.

“I guess it’s not fair with you being the only one naked…” Tao beamed. 

She wrapped her hands over his member and pumping it up and down. She then licked his head and swirling her tongue around and on it, making him groan and moan.

“Fuck Tao…” He praised.

As she kept going, her milky breasts spilled out of her top. He looked at her with a soft smile, commenting on her breasts and how looking up to see them was surprising. 

Tao had the breasts of a French actress, rather than anything North American television has to offer.

He pulled her, once again, to meet his gaze. Jensen ran his hands down her front, over her body that changed by the day. 

He pushed her onto the back wall. Tao arched her back as he kissed all over her body, pushing her skirt down, so she was completely naked as well.

“Let me guess… Wearing underwear in the night-time is annoying for you. I get it.” Jensen smirked at her this time.

“I guess so. I didn’t know you can be so…dominant.”

“Well, you don’t know a lot about me. That’s about to change.”


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